Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Viz will fill before engineering. It’s super small school. Engineering has ton of different pathway offers. Assuming his score and rank are solid, he won’t miss a thing.


ChristiR93 my daughter is considering changing her major from English to Education. She was always on the fence, but has spent this semester in a future teachers program and is sold. Do you think it would be ok to change it during the application process through the Howdy Portal as she awaits a decision?

They say it won’t effect anything but she can wait til after accepted to do it as well. Have y’all contacted admissions to be sure?

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For those of you planning a campus visit (or needing a revisit of dorms before housing selections in late Spring), Aggieland Saturday is February 12. Info is online now. (My daughter just got an email invitation.)


So what I’m understanding from what you are saying, is that the majority of acceptances come out in January/February?

Yes for holistic reviews non engineering, the ones who get accepted are in January along with other pathways of team or gateway. Some will come out in February too but not as many.

Engineering will get options to choose waitlist/Galveston/McAllen/teab. Not all get all choices though.

Again… based off last 5 years. I’m not affiliated at all with the powers that be.


Son just received email invite for Aggieland in Feb. is this just random marketing material that has no bearing on admissions status? He hasn’t been accepted yet.

Correct, just random marketing for the annual campus-wide open house.


Hi! I am an out of state student that applied to A&M in early November. A&M has been my absolute dream school since middle school. Not expecting to hear back until after the holidays but wanted to get some peace of mind and/or prep about my decision. Here are my stats

Review out of State (school does not rank)
Health- Allied Health Major
GPA 3.881 UW 4.357 W
7 APs + 6 Honors
1260 SAT
1, 10+ year EC
4 years of Involvement in Student organizations/held officer positions
Over 1000 Volunteer Hours
National Honor Society
California Scholarship Federation
2 Letters of Recommendation

Thank you!

We’ve seen quite a bit of OOS so far this year get accepted. In fact earlier than normal but most wwee high scoring. I know tamu is limited on spots for oos students. Your sat is on the lower side of what we’ve been seeing. I can’t tell about your gpa where it places you so where did tamu rank you?? Also, Cali schools have late application start time than Texas by several months. Applying in November puts you at a disadvantage.

Hope for the best but prepare for the 2nd best. UC schools are great and if we had in state tuition, my son would have been there in a heartbeat.

Please let us know when you hear something!

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She did contact admissions and he said if she felt confident to go for it. She switched it in Howdy and it was very easy.

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@NDTA96 great info, thanks for the link. I’ve got a current Aggie, but sent to an incoming freshman friend-for Housing tour.
Make reservations early! They haven’t had full blown Aggieland Saturday in a couple years, due to Covid, so I suspect it’ll be wildly popular. We lucked out, they used to offer a 2nd, smaller one of the week of Thanksgiving-that’s what we attended.

If I’m looking in the correct spot I’m ranked in the first quarter. Hopefully that gives me an edge? My test scores are definitely unrepresentative of my academic ability which is a bummer.

Yes, 1st quarter will help, not sure how much of an edge though. And I totally get that a test score cannot accurately depict a student’s ability. I hate test scores. TAMU will rank your whole application with and without it to see what gives you the better results. They haven’t always done this, so this is in your favor!

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We went to the last Aggieland Saturday in February 2020, and it was a lot of fun. Sure, you can visit campus any time of year, but during the big open house there’s a lot of excitement and activities.

If you don’t feel like driving, and you happen to live near an A&M Prospective Student Center in your city, they might offer bus service. We had friends who did that. One parent per student, hopped on the bus early morning and caught the bus back late afternoon after it was over. Check with your local PSC office.


Where do you find the ranking?

We got that email also and my son has not been admitted. Has your daughter gotten in? Just wondering (hoping!) that is a positive sign and not just an email sent to everyone.

@aggie19911 Aggieland Saturday is open to all prospective students; many/most are Juniors, some sophomores, and current high school seniors. It’s the huge campus Open House for prospective students (but admitted students are, of course, welcome).

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