Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Rellis is Blinn just a different location. BUT I agree with @eggscapgoats Blinn Brenham is in my opinion the only option if they want Engineering (or another academy which are not located near Aggieland). They have academies in Austin, Houston, and Dallas for example.

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I saw this on Facebook recently. I don’t know anything about it though.


That is Texas A&M-Chevron Engineering Academy, like extension of Blinn. The only exception is Blinn Brenham students stay local at Mill Creek.
It is in a number of community colleges. (Dallas, Alamo, Houston, Midland, Austin and Blinn)
Students will have to co-apply to both community college and prequalification for Texas A&M Engineering Academy. (not apply A&M later)
Some Professors in these community colleges are under TAMU payroll, so technically claiming “taught by TAMU professors”.
Prequalified students will still need to go through the same ETAM process (3.75+ GPA for first choice) like regular students in College Station.


Looking at last year’s thread, first wave of decisions came Jan 17th (a Sunday?). TAMU released Gateway.


Is it still wise to be hopeful for a full admission of a review admit? Should we more realistically be crossing our fingers for a Blinn program admission, etc?

My son applied in August, and is getting a little discouraged. He is determined to be an Aggie and willing to take whatever path is necessary to get there. He’s just feeling like since he’s not top 10%, he didn’t make the cut for full admission. He’s in the top quarter of his class, 4.8/5.0 gpa, 1380 SAT, AP/Dual Credit classes, extra curriculars, all the things. His first major choice is Economics- Liberal Arts.

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Don’t lose hope! There are many great candidates from our high school who have not heard back yet. Econ is not one of the majors that fills up fast like Mays and I think your son’s stats are competitive. :slight_smile:

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Last year timeline won’t apply to this year. This year has serious labor shortage. They still have a lot of full admit decisions coming. They literally stated in AIS that engineering still have room.
In the past it is normal some Gateway got released first, then more full admissions. That is mainly allowing students arrange housing for summer session II. Gateway itself is full admission that starts earlier. Last few years they reduced the size of Gateway and offered more full admission.


@FriscoDad agree that I think the timeline could be totally different. All staff is working from home this week, so that will set them back.


When do y’all think they will get admissions rolling again? Maybe the third week of January?
We have been patiently ( impatiently) waiting since August… Now that Business is full ~hoping for 2nd choice of Economics.

I hope they have more full admissions left!

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Just for my education, why can they not be a productive from home? Understand they probably can collaborate better in person, but just curious. Thank you for all of the great info you provide in this forum!

@TXDad77 i didn’t say they couldn’t be productive from home. But not working together, in person, ‘could’ cause a delay. Who knows, perhaps they collaborate in person over applications, maybe they have hard copy charts, lists and files, and various stacks of apps? I don’t know their system.
My husband is an attorney. He lives & breathes by his laptop and phone, but he also depends on hard copy files/briefings/court reports, and a good old fashioned yellow highlighter.
The work from home mandate last week was sudden, coming off the heels of Christmas break. I’m guessing none of the admissions team brought everything home with them before Christmas.

Ok, Ok… I knew I should not have asked. Have a nice day.

Last year the next “wave” came the 17th. Not sure them not being in the office will effect that timing this year or not. Time will definitely tell.

If like last year, gateway and team will come out before a full admit release. There are definitely more engineering releases to be had!

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Thank you for your kind and respectful response. Will be an interesting next few weeks.

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Yes January is “fun”. Excited for everyone to get their decision!!


@TXDad77 OhMyGosh, I am sorry if you took my reply the wrong way! I absolutely didn’t mean it to come across ugly! Promise!!
I have No Idea how Admissions works…not sure anyone does?’ :joy: :woman_shrugging:t2: Only things we Know for sure are:
*TAMU Admissions really DO read each application
*It’s a frustrating process, for those students/families still waiting
*Covid throws kinks into everything :weary: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Hopefully this week, or next, another big wave of holistic admissions will come out! :crossed_fingers:t3:


You have been nothing but helpful. No worries. Tensions are high. You are such a great help on here With the best intentions as far as I can tell. Keep being you. :heart:


Hello, we are eagerly awaiting the next round. Will A & M issue “rejection” letters as well via the portal. Just trying to figure out when we should be getting the “final word” if we need to start focusing on our other options. Thank you for any insight.


No worries at all. Like ChristiR93 said, we are all feeling the stress. My S22 is stressed and depressed with all of the uncertainty. As parents, so frustrating when we can’t fix things for our kids. Anyway, great group here, and all positive vibes for everyone!


Is there a benefit to attending Aggieland Saturday in February? My sons have both been accepted to Engineering in College Station. We have already toured TAMU this past summer and we are from out of state. This is their top choice school along with 1 of our in-state schools. I was thinking maybe visiting again might help them with their final decision, but I’m not sure if it will be much different than when we visited last summer and did the campus tour and tour of the Engineering building. They feel they don’t need to go again to make a final decision. Plus, the expense to travel and stay there if we may already be going to NSC if they do finally choose to go to TAMU. Any thoughts?