Texas A&M University Class of 2026

@Larisa_Ann post on your FB page. ‘Friend of a friend’ or son of friends you’ve forgotten about can be great! I have tons of college friends whose kids have roomed together. Or perhaps a neighbor has a nephew looking for a roomie at A&M-that kind of thing.
Friend of a Friend is ideal (I think)-not rooming with someone from high school, but not taking the unknown with total potluck.

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@Larisa_Ann - my daughter is in the same boat, also an engineering major. We homeschooled, so had to go through holistic review then get in line behind top 10% for dorm selection. Her preference is Northside Modular. Her bests friends who were top 10% have accepted offers at another school, so now we’re in the “roommate market.” :joy: Hopefully she will find a good match with an early time slot. She follows the Class of 26 social media pages, but hasn’t reached out to anyone yet. I’m confident it will all work out, but it would be nice to already know so we can start shopping and coordinating decor. That’s probably not a big priority for you son.

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I haven’t got my son to commit yet, but he is currently accepted into Engineering (CS originally but changed to general by TAMU) and will be living on campus. It is still in the running. While he may not hit all the points you mentioned 100%, he is social, does not drink and takes his studies seriously. Roommates can be a wildcard, fortunately in my case I was lucky. Since this is recent, I’m not sure of the housing application in advance of committing and heard about Hullaballoo from other posters.

@baelliot if your son is even remotely wanting to go to A&M and live on campus, stop right now and pay the non-refundable $75 Housing application fee. Dorm selection in late spring is based on time stamp Housing application fee is paid.
Paying Housing is not committing to A&M.


Hi! What is your son’s name? Where are you guys from? We live in Rockwall, TX. What other college is he considering? My son’s name is Ethan. He will be our first to go off to college. We are so excited he chose A&M!


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Different situation for us. I live up in the Frisco area but Daniel lives up in OK. He is my dependent so he can claim TX or OK for residency fortunately. I ended up in this region of the country with the military a long time ago.

My son went to a smaller private school and he has a few friends going to TAMU but 2 are rooming together and the other one is going into the Corps. The social media pages can be intimidating, especially for guys. I’m ALL about the shopping, whether he is or not! lol! Best of luck on finding a great roommate for you daughter! :slight_smile:

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@Larisa_Ann , @baelliot and @Kimvogel , our son doesn’t have a roommate yet, either. Surprisingly, this hyper-planning mom is OK with A&M’s process. If he doesn’t room with someone from his high school, looking through the potential rooomie pool seems like a good way to start the process.

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Hey guys, try not to disclose personal info in the thread. Go to private message to chat about specifics on rooming etc. :heart:


Hello - my son applied the dec1st deadline but has nothing yet - there is no indication in the AIS status for Blinn, Team etc. is there any hope still for admission? He is instate

Any one call and find out if Forensic Science is already fil?

That’s great news!

Hey! Where are you guys from? We live in Rockwall, close to Dallas. Is your son going to be in engineering? My son’s instagram is Ethan_rechtiene99 if your son wants to reach out!

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Around Nov/Dec my son showed me howdy and AIS as he is very independent and we are not overbearing as we want him to learn. I saw his second choice, and he thought maybe I prefer something else. I’m worried we should have left it the same, and I gave him bad advise?

Change of second choice won’t matter much. Outside engineering, if rank and scores reach TAMU target, even if both first and second majors full, applicants will be offered Blinn or GEST.

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Not PSA?

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PSAs are different programs not counting to the admission cycle. So yes, PSA is possible as well.

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Guess I’m late to the “freaking out” game here…but I’m freaking out. Submitted my app in August sometime. Have heard zip, zero, nada.
Major: Eng
SAT: 1330
GPA: 3.7
Top 1/3rd (I know…but like super competitive school…lots of cheaters!)
Good essay!!
A few ECS. 2 LORS

What gives? Friends with lesser stats already admitted. Does this seem normal? Should I in fact freak out?


Ready??? Your sat is solid. 2nd quarter not great but not awful.

There are still admission decisions like gateway and probably more team to be had. Do I think you could
Get full admit…
Possible but slimmer chance than alternative pathway.

Hang in there.