Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Great comment. I wish there were more options in Texas.


@TXDad77 , this is so true. 4 of my sons close friends who were top 10 at his school had no interest in TAMU , they reluctantly applied as safe school but when they did not get their intended major at UT, they went ahead and accepted TAMU. So yes , whether or not it is a good fit, for most students they’ll take TAMU.

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The cheating discussion isn’t helpful, but it’s tough as students because we are living through it. My parents say it was not as competitive back then…so it didn’t matter as much. Nowadays the pressure and competition seems to be more intense.


It’s understandable but it’s also a shame. Ideally students would go to a good fit wherever that takes them not just limited to UT Austin or TAMU. We felt pressure for our daughter to apply to UT Austin because of the reputation and her rank but we just didn’t feel it was a good fit (multiple concerns after visiting) so she didn’t even apply. She applied to several schools that felt like a good fit including out of state. UT Austin and TAMU are not the only options. There are lots of good schools in and outside of Texas.


So frustrating, but things will work out!

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I think it works both ways. We get a lot of OOS in Texas schools. I think it’s great, personally. Being around non like peeps is a good thing.

Even tho we all know Texas is the best state :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Agree with that.


Texas is best!


The National Recognition scholarship is stackable. They updated the awards so take a look.


@TXDad77 the cool kids are always in the back of the plane :sunglasses:

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Kids report…they ignore

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Notice I said most… not all

This is first hand knowledge. There are great kids getting A’s… but alongside a lot that cheat

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I do agree that kids cheat and it hurts everyone around them, but only for so long can they get away with it. Eventually, those that stayed true to their education and actually learned will rise above even if they aren’t caught because they won’t have the knowledge to pass many higher-up interviews like those that didn’t cheat will.

Actually I think there are so many more good options in Texas. Yes, TAMU and UT are top ranked but there are several more Tier 1 state schools in Texas that are coming on strong. As our population grows we need to be more open minded to embracing schools like UTD, UTSA, UH, Tech, etc. Those schools and others have changed and grown stronger since we were in college a generation ago. Btw, I work for a large engineering firm that a generation ago was mostly Aggies. Today, none of our leadership team graduated from TAMU.


I agree with this completely. I think UT and A&M are the cool kids and the rest get overlooked but each have great programs. I also think kids get pressure from parent alums.


There are eleven Phi Beta Kappa member schools in Texas. Austin College, Baylor, U of Dallas, U of Houston, Rice, SMU, Southwestern, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, UT-Austin and Trinity.


@FriscoDad - you have such a wealth of knowledge. I’m assuming you are in the Collin County area. Do you have any thoughts on how well Collin College prepares students for TAMU’s engineering program, specifically math? My DD has taken through Cal3 and currently taking DiffEQ. I’m hoping it’s rigorous enough to prepare her for what she’ll encounter at TAMU. She hasn’t looked at the MPE study guide yet, but she tutors Algebra, hopefully that will help too.

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Congratulations to your daughter that is quite an accomplishment! If your daughter is already in differential equations and have no learning issue, MPE will be way way way too easy. M151 will be a breeze. Download one practice from TAMU and you will know MPE is entry level algebra.

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It has been pretty quiet the past few days on acceptances? Any news anywhere?