Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Way to be forward thinking about post grad… I saw that you messaged me, but nothing came through.

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Middle of January.

He can if he reviews his submitted application pdf (on Coalition at least I’m not sure about ApplyTexas)! On Coalition he can generate application pdf and see all the selections that he has made but he can’t make any changes although they will consider him regardless.

Thank you

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@ashill77 @EllyBelly , if you Google “blinn team presentation”, the first link appears to be a detailed 69-page presentation from NSC 2019 about Blinn TEAM. I would assume the presentation at Aggieland Saturday would be similar to this.

The second link appears to be an older presentation (2010), but it has some different info that might be interesting – sample class schedules, GPA calculations, etc.

Maybe you can learn something new in those. Love it when people leave their old presentations archived on the Internet for us to find.


I think you can on ApplyTexas, too.
EDIT: You can log in and review the submitted application - not generate a .pdf of the application.

@Cmtimon I am very glad they are working on the ones who are still in limbo and not given any options at all… like me. Still.

Let’s hope some more people still in limbo start hearing soon!!!


Still waiting…applied late Sept for Construction Science…still says My App Is Complete And In Review


If get denied, can student apply to Blinn and transfer to TAMU at some point? What’s the down side to doing it?

So happy for yall!!! Gives us hope there is still a chance!


Absolutely. It is what many choose to do. Just follow the transfer path for your major and do well.

Correct, construction science. And yes, I think you nailed it. The pathway is less clear without the guarantee agreement through TEAM, so I will recommend to my son that he email an advisor to ask the sort of questions you laid out. As always, thanks so much for your help!

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My son received Blinn TEAM this morning! We are beyond excited for him and he can’t wait to join the Corps and FTAB! Does anyone know why it says Summer 2022 under Term? Also, we don’t see a “next steps” button to register for NSC. Does this just take a few hours to pop up? Thank you for all your help and guidance during this stressful waiting period. Hoping everyone else hears soon!


@Crickett272 CONGRATS!!! Thanks for updating us!

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Oh that’s exciting. And crazy it say team. I think you got gateway since it says summer. It’s either one or the other. Wait for official update, could be today!



What HS does your son go to? I’m wondering if you’re close to us given your “KleinCajun” name.

Congrats!!! Did he get those choices a few weeks ago and choose TEAM only or both Waitlist and TEAM? I’m trying to figure out if anyone who chose Waitlist and TEAM has been offered anything yet.

I received Blinn TEAM this morning, I did not get the Waitlist option. It was dead silent for months until this morning. I only received an email about releasing directory information this morning and happened to look at Howdy.


My son received the same exact thing this morning. What does your TERM say? His says Summer 2022, but Blinn TEAM. ?? Not sure if this is Gateway or TEAM admission.