Texas A&M University Class of 2026

So it seems like several who chose waitlist are being offered full admission now, but are asked to pick from an available list of majors that still have seats available. Last year quite a few got PSA from waitlist. Maybe this is their way of “fixing” that? As in “you can come, but neither of your listed major choices are available but you may choose from these”. I wonder if this is what is happening.

We know a couple of people who got PSA yesterday. We are still under review with Mays and Ag Business. No changes at all since August. I know Mays has been full for a while!
Do you think they go in alphabetical order as far as offers and letting people know?

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Seems to be no rhyme or reason to me. I don’t even know how they are deciding admissions. I’m losing my optimism :pensive::pensive:. Sorry… one of those days.


Right there with ya.

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Some majors have higher than normal turnover rates, or having easier change of major options. Many students are able to successfully change their majors to their choice. So the starting point is not that important.


In UT, CAP is soft denial.

In TAMU, PSA looks similar but PSA offers a lot more major options. If your major of choice has automatic admission via PSA, then PSA is a good one year offer. PSA offers quite a number of majors with automatic contract offers. If the GPA requirement for automatic admission is not high, PSA is a very good offer.

TAMU releases 2022-2023 PSA contracts early. Go check it out.


So happy for you! You son will do great in TAMU.

Course exams in TAMU are not easy and most have no re-test policy. But the good thing is: Most exams are not time-crunch. They give students two full hours for Calculus tests. You see students walk out early, not student stressing to cross the finish line. The biggest drawback of SAT is being time crunch and that is not a true reflection of students’ intellect and capabilities.


How long after the change major and request to change major button disappears are y’all hearing a decision? One of our buttons has been gone for over 24 hours and it still shows Application Complete and In Review!

This same thing is happening to a couple of people on Reddit. Their button disappeared yesterday.

Oh no… and then people have to think about that darn missing button the whole weekend?

2 buttons! This process has given me a few extra gray hairs!

It’s a new program starting fall 2022! If you like I can see if they gave a brochure on it for computer science at Galveston.

The 4 majors highlighted in blue are what they are going to offer in Galveston as a 4 Year Degree.


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Hang in there!

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We confirmed that with an advisor during our visit at Galveston campus. They are starting Comp Sci major this Fall at the campus in addition to College Station

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Whelp, my daughter received the PSA offer on Friday. We were not surprised as there are so many others with much better stats that were/are still waiting for a decision. I think we both went through the 5 stages of grief! Lol. She has decided to just enroll at Blinn-Bryan, live off campus, and actually start classes this summer, then apply for transfer for Fall 2023. She is very excited to get started.

Thank you all for keeping this 1st timer in the loop and making me understand the ins and outs of this whole college game.

For those of you still waiting, just remember it’s not where you start, it’s where you finish!


I am guessing you have to apply to the Galveston campus separately. Is it too late to apply for that for Fall 2022? Do they not consider you for Galveston when you apply to the main campus?

You do have to apply separately. And apps are open til May 1st I believe. They use AIS and Howdy so be prepared to be confused. You’ll keep the same UiN.

This is confusing. It says to apply through the main campus.

For engineering you’ll need to call admissions to see how to flip the switch for campus location.

All other majors, apply directly to Galveston.

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Yes in Apply Texas select the school code for main campus.

There will be a question for “ENGR (or your degree code) Preferred Location”, default is “No Preference”, you need to set to “Galveston Campus”. I don’t believe computer science is set up in Apply Texas, but if it is, then select CSCE and see if it gives you Galveston option. Or you can pick an engineering degree (e.g. Interdisciplinary (ITDE), since all degrees go through ETAM, your student can pick ETAM preference during Freshmen year.

For instance, if the major applying is construction science, there will be a selection “COSL Preferred Location”, there will be “No Preference”, “College Station” and “McAllen”

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