Texas A&M University Class of 2026

My son was automatically offered for Galveston (comp sci/ general engineering) - we never explicitly applied there

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If we aren’t accepted either to TEAM or full admit, my son wants to do straight Blinn and start in the summer. Does anyone have a link to a site that explains which classes to take as someone who wants to attempt to transfer to A&M CS for the next fall? He wants to be a BIO major at TAMU when he’s done with his 30 hours of Blinn, but we don’t even know where to start on which classes to enroll in at Blinn this summer.

Anyone else having trouble logging in to the portal today?

The courses will be the same as Blinn Team,


The TCCNS codes will be shared among all colleges.

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Much appreciated, why didn’t I think of that!

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Strangely the only Blinn Bryan Summer schedule for 2022 I can find online is only the ‘workforce’ classes like welding and pharmacy, and does not show any basics like Calculus or English. Summer 2023 Bryan Schedule | Blinn College

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@misterhemmings Blinn advisors should definitely be able to help.
Most leases run for 10-12 months, so unless you’re subletting from someone for June & July, it’ll probably be much cheaper to take local CC/JuCo classes this summer, and start Blinn in the fall.
Blinn rates are out of district for everyone, except those who permanently reside in Washington County/Brenham.
I would definitely price around.


If you are from Austin, you can take the classes in Austin Community College as long as the class codes are the same in TCCNS list.

e.g. https://www6.austincc.edu/schedule/index.php?op=browse&opclass=ViewSched&term=222U000&disciplineid=TFBIO&yr=2022&ct=CC

If you really need Blinn, summer STEMs are in Rellis/Brenham campus (Yes Rellis also take straight Blinn students) Summer 2023 | Blinn College You definitely will need to call Blinn to confirm seats are available as Blinn Team students may get priority. Blinn has not updated Summer 2022 schedule, but you can search summer 2021 information to get a rough idea


If your student took AP Biology and received good grades, Biol 1406/1407 may be too easy but still don’t rush it (such as taking both 1406/1407 at the same summer). If your son already have the credit from DC and got A, then you do not need to take the class.

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Mine is graduating in a few months and that was his only offer. We jumped on it and we are very happy we did. He is still enrolled in College Station which is odd but housed in Galveston is the easiest way to explain it. It’s a tiny campus compared to CS so a good start. He always said it’s where students would go to be “cut.” I don’t really think that. There are so many engineering students that apply and they are trying to give a very large number a chance. No matter where they attend they have to have the grades to apply to their major. Everyone is general engineering to start.


I meant he was still enrolled in CS while in Galveston. He was has been a CS student years 2-4.

I was looking over my daughter’s SRAR and noticed she didn’t have a GPA reported. Her rank and all her grades are there by class. But it says no reported GPA. I suppose she looked over that part when completing it. Does anyone know if a missing GPA would have an effect on a decision? We plan to call admissions tomorrow to make sure, but wanted to see if anyone else knows. Thanks in advance.

What is the assigned rank in AIS? Is it in line with the actual quartile? Is your app already have a decision?

Do you mean the section “School Information” in SRAR that “Self-Reported GPA” is blank?
If so and if no decision made yet, yes go ahead call.

Yes the rank was listed on her SRAR and it correlates with AIS. There just isnt a GPA on the SRAR. AIS still has the file marked as Complete and in Review. I will for sure call just in case.

As a straight transfer, you can get info on transfer requirements by googling “tamu transfer course sheets”. The transfer course sheet for each major lists recommended and required classes to take (or be in the process of taking?) to apply as a transfer student. I see the transfer course sheet for biology '21-22 but not 22-23 yet.




The following website is great for seeing what tamu classes are given at other texas schools. TCCNS stands for texas common course numbering system.



Wishing all the students still waiting for a reply a great week.:+1:


Does anyone have an estimation of when the AIS and Howdy Portal sync? My daughter’s information changed to Blinn-TEAM on Thursday, she got 7 tabs on Friday, yet everything is still showing Under Review. We’re waiting for an official confirmation so we can quickly put the housing deposit down, as she is wanting to stay in White Creek Apts. (She selected Waitlist/Consideration for Blinn-TEAM back in January.) Any guidance or information regarding this is GREATLY appreciated, as I’m hoping to get work done today instead of checking Howdy Portal & AIS every hour! :smile: Thank you!


Us too!

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@Kathryn_Craig not sure about syncing, but good news is, White Creek is usually the last to fill. She will be at the very end of dorm selection, but there should be beds open in White Creek when it’s finally her time to select.

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That is amazing news!! Even though we are only about 30 minutes from B/CS, we are wanting her to get the full college experience by living on campus. She fell in love with White Creek since it is close to her Ag buildings, allows her to have independence of living in an apartment, yet still have an RA there. White Creek is the best of both worlds for us as a family!


For those waiting, I did talk to a College Advisor this morning and he said that almost all students will be notified of a decision by Spring Break!