Texas A&M University Class of 2026

I’m curious about your comment about science being delayed. I’ve definitely noticed this by just observing people we know and watching the different forums. There are quite a few science majors still waiting with academic stats higher than a lot of the kiddos I know who already received full admissions into other majors. Any idea why this is happening with science this year? Will they eventually find spots for these kids or did science just become a much more selective major?


No, she was contacted by email.

“Greetings from West Texas A&M University! We have been notified of your interest in the Program for System Admission…” (and then goes on to explain some things) They set up a zoom call with my girl. I’m not sure about the major.

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Interesting! Didn’t know PSA schools contacted potential students directly. Your daughter wanted Econ, correct?


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Interesting! West TX A&M does have Econ degree (and Econ is listed as one of the PSA pathway majors), but Econ falls under Business at West TX. Econ is definitely not Business/Mays at TAMU, it is Liberal Arts.

Economics | WTAMU.

So confusing. She will speak with the gal on zoom Friday and check it all out. Do you have any clarifying questions you could suggest asking that we might not think of? Thanks so much for the help. We are lost…lol

I don’t think there’s much to clarify, if she’s been offered PSA. As long as she picks a major with a pathway (Econ is), she should be fine. But just know that Econ is definitely Liberal Arts at TAMU. Sounds like they’ve got a strong Economics program at West Texas. That’s impressive they reached out to your daughter, have set up a zoom.

I think you said your daughter has other school offers? What majors?

Yes, she has been accepted to UofSC, Baylor, and TCU. All pre-business. Really having a hard time deciding. Makes more sense to me to go in as a full admit freshman but she still likes Texas A&M so still considering. Any thoughts on those other schools for business?

@LMP1 if cost isn’t an issue, I can’t imagine turning down Baylor! Hankamer School of Business is outstanding! (Full disclosure, I am a BU grad, but not Business). So many friends have kids in Hankamer currently, plus I know Professors. Truly, an amazing school! TCU is a solid business school also.
With 3 solid pre/business school acceptances, I can’t even imagine going PSA for Econ/Liberal Arts…but that’s just me.
Cost difference is substantial, for sure. Is your daughter willing to go somewhere for a year, then start over again the next? Is she a huge sports fan? Big 12 and SEC are phenomenal, PSA schools much smaller divisions. I know Economics is in Business school at Baylor; does she want a business degree, Econ degree, or both? Does she want to be an Aggie the most? Lots of questions to ask, options to weigh.


Could I message you? I would love to hear your experience at Baylor. We are visiting Waco and Baylor week. And I totally agree about going PSA when already accepted to other schools. We are just entertaining all options at this point until we visit Baylor. Already toured TCU.

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Great questions. I have also noticed science majors being in limbo.

She wants a business degree. We received a very generous merit scholarship from Baylor so not worried about the cost fortunately. $$ from South Carolina too. No $ from TCU.


Absolutely! I LOVED Baylor, still makes me sad my kid didn’t go there…sigh. But I’m living vicariously thru friends! :blush: :green_heart::yellow_heart:
I’m headed to the dentist, will be out of touch for awhile, but shoot me a message.


You’re right, I missed that part!

Currently on the waitlist since January. DS sent a message to the admissions office today, this is their response.

“We appreciate your interest in Texas A&M. We understand the waiting is hard! We are sending out letters every day as we reach the end of the admissions cycle. Most students can expect to receive their admissions decision in the next week or two. Please continue to monitor your AIS portal and thank you for your patience!”


Have been out in the middle of the ocean and just got some place with internet. I see @ChristiR93 say no news is still good news. Ughh. Still nothing today. Again, my kiddos first choice was Biology. If that is full, not sure if we did get lucky what would he choose. Is there a major that would transfer to Bio easily? Well, hopefully back in the next or two to check in again.
@ChristiR93 or others that would know, suggestions are appreciated!

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My daughter’s howdy portal just changed to Blinn Team. The AIS hasn’t updated yet, but the howdy portal did!!!


I would go gen studies and work on changing into biology after you meet requirements. You’ll just need to take bio and chem with labs and then can change major. Must have 2.5.

You’ll be just fine working on core courses and bio/chem the first 2 semesters. No need to find another major.


Our AIS just updated today. Throughout this whole crazy process, I have learned to just trust the process. Where you are supposed to go, and how you are supposed to get there will happen…as much as I tried to question it along the way!


She received the email back in January and selected both Blinn Team and Waitlist. She is over the moon excited and so thankful that the waiting is almost officially over. Just need AIS to change and to start registering for things.