Texas A&M University Class of 2026

His school. Sorry

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seeing some people on Reddit got 7 tabs this morning


Nothing this morning.

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Saw a couple of people get 7 tabs on Reddit, but crickets for me. Sigh.

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Were they transfers? Waitlist? Still in review?

My daughter is still waiting too, top 11% and also hasn’t heard anything. She’s also not so patiently waiting to see if she should proceed with Tarleton!


Crickets for me

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I saw two on the Reddit feed that I follow (r/TAMUAdmissions). One got Blinn team from the waitlist in January. The other got 7 tabs, and thinks it could be for Galveston.

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We are an Aggie family. But my DD was accepted to BU last fall, pre-nursing. Got a great merit scholarship. Still waiting on TAMU. We are thinking Bu is the better fit, and DD loved the campus.


Blinn/waitlist. Got Blinn Team.


DD’s boyfriend (DD was admitted in the fall) got Blinn Team this morning! He was Waitlist/Blinn Team from January. Hoping every single person gets an answer this week!


Go to the drop down in the AIS where it shows BAC College Station, Summer 2022…You will see what they have her slated for in Fall 2022…it is still likely Physics.

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Congratulations to him! What is his major?

Nothing. Nothing at all.

What is her major? My daughter was accepted into Tarleton for Wildlife/Fisheries.

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Same here.

Is it possible that we somehow skipped their notice or smth? How is it possible that we’re still under review?


They really MUST be saving the best for last :joy::rofl::weary:


:joy: :sneezing_face:

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which location for engineering academy did he get admitted to?