Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Just heard from mine, all buttons still there, In review still.


Daughter selected Waitlist and Consideration for Blinn-TEAM and got Blinn TEAM officially on 3/8. Many in her private high school with the same stats as she have not heard anything yet.

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Most of the kids I know who got an offer have lower stats than that. It’s crazy.
My daughter lost one of the buttons this morning and her stats are ACT 30, 19%, 3.6/4.9 GPA, AP Scholar, 10 AP classes (including 4’s and 5’s on exams) 4 year varsity athlete, NEHS, Interact, job, etc. She has great scholarships out of state and opportunity to join their Honor’s college, so I guess that’s where she will go. All of her friends who are going to A&M have lower academic stats.


Is it possible that the missing button doesn’t mean PSA in every case? I’m seeing people with insanely great stats today here, and Reddit, saying the Change Major button vanished. Could it just mean ‘decision coming’ as opposed to ‘PSA’?


@EllyBelly Wow…they lost a great student! Your daughter will really excel in any college. Amazing stats - great ACT!

@misterhemmings Maybe?! I’m out either way-. But I hope this is the case for many still wanting to attend! And let’s hope at 5pm tonight the decision is released and not put on hold until Monday.


Thanks, I’ve loved reading all of your positive posts on here and I know you will be amazing wherever you land! Best of luck!


@misterhemmings, from reading all the posts here , the trend for losing button has been PSA. With Departments merging and all that is going on in A&M who knows if this is changed too. From what I’ve read here , In the past , TAMU never sent out a rejection letter but quite a number of students have received rejection year so I guess some changes are new and even the people who’ve been advising students and monitoring trends for years are taken by surprise.


@EllyBelly , ditto. I would have loved to meet @AnnKiVe if we all ended up going TAMU. :heart_eyes:


I’ve only seen one case where it happened that way, where it was a full admit and not PSA after the button disappeared, so we can hope.


@Tee2 , with so many students having the change button disappear this morning, it could mean two thing , mass rejections or some rejects and some full admit.


Lol- I got less and less positive this week… it was so hard to stay up!!! I don’t really hold back my feelings :rofl: so you guys got to see my ups and downs! Honestly, when I visited A&M it seemed “too big” for me. But it’s a great school, and figured I’d find my “corner” there. Now it seems better than I am being forced to go with a campus that may be more in tune with my personality. Don’t get me wrong- this is gut wrenching, and really hard to swallow- I mean, who wouldn’t want to accept little ol’ me?? haha. I guess they are looking for a certain type and many of us don’t fit. And that’s okay. They are not my type either!
But I DO hope they learn some lessons this year and make their admissions smoother.
And your daughter will find her perfect place. (and @ALN your son will too!) We all will!!!


My daughter’s shows the same thing. She’s not been in there in a while, so not sure when that showed up or really what it means.

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One of my sons lost one change of major button but not the other…for a few days. Finally got PSA but he had already decided to accept his offer at TAMU Galveston.

One caveat for PSA…you might be better off going elsewhere and try to transfer directly WITHOUT PSA. My son spoke with an advisor in February who told him do NOT accept PSA if offered because the GPA threshold for his desired major was 3.5 for PSA and only 3.25 for direct transfer (coming from Blinn, another university, or community college). Bottom line: do NOT get hung up on PSA as a “direct and guaranteed path to TAMU”. It is, but it might just be a harder path to get there. Know EXACTLY what the requirements are for PSA vs direct transfer for your desired major.

Good luck to everyone! My twins are ending up at different campuses (one full admit to main campus and one full admit at Galveston) but they are happy with their decisions and majors, which is really what matters.


Lost change of major button in Howdy, but did not gain the 7 tabs, is that bad news?

Admissions staff is actually in the office all next week except Friday. They do not get the entire week off for spring break.


@cy2022ags losing Change of Major = PSA

It could mean PSA is coming. A bunch of us lost the tab in the Howdy manage applications page today.

I have also seen losing change of major button just meaning a decision in general, full admits had the same thing happen


@sunflowergirl4 PSA gpa requirement is 3.0, with 3.25 for Engineering. I don’t see anything requiring a 3.5.

This wasn’t for engineering. It was another major. My point was you need to be crystal clear on requirements for PSA vs straight transfer for your specific major as they are all different. PSA might be fine for engineering but not others….it is vital to check. :+1::+1: