Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Y’all have been busy posting this morning!

The wait is the worst part and no one understands that until end of October. Before then, we can say it all day long that it might be til January before you receive full admit, but until you’re the one waiting, it doesn’t click! It’s all good. 1400 plus score should get a full eng. offer. Worst case, Blinn TEAB.

For Mays, my son did the Econ to Mays route and it worked out great. It can be done and I can help you with setting up that schedule so that you position yourself in a way where you don’t lose hours. Happy to help if it comes to that (but you aren’t there yet).

Like @52AG82 said, PSA and Business are not a thing. Please review what majors are possible for PSA. My advice is always to go to Blinn (worst case) as a straight transfer student over PSA in any major. But I’m a risk taker but honestly haven’t been in that situation with my own kids, but have coached many from Blinn to TAMU over the past 4 years. It can be done so much easier than you think.

Oh and I too agree that Corps peeps are given a nod in some circumstances, but I don’t think TAMU wants to set anyone up for failure, only success. So they won’t give offers to someone solely based on this. They have to have demonstrated their ability to succeed academically.

I think i’m caught up. lol Oh and ALL students are worthy. TAMU just isn’t able to accept all students. But where there’s a will, there’s a way. And maybe going to a back up school (which are all amazing as to the ones listed) will give them a different perspective. Maybe they transfer after one year, maybe they end up loving it, maybe they do post grad work at TAMU. so many unknowns and nothing is permanent!!!


And I do not think anyone is unworthy…it just feels that way as I see acceptances roll out. AND…this is my first college kid…first possible Aggie…all those things that go into play with impatience.


Thanks, I need reminders. Question, if my son is not auto admit…could he still apply for honors engineering or is that a long shot? What about Blinn team, can a student going that route apply for and get excepted to the Honors Engineering program?

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@Pamg . Ditto. My first college kid, first possible Aggie. We’re still waiting :slight_smile: for those six tabs.


Many reported this week were actually accepted last Friday and they discovered over the weekend or early Monday.

So far for this week if you count from Monday onwards, nearly nothing. (well of course exclude auto-admit)


Yes - that’s what I was thinking.

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He applied by 9/16…but TAMU did not get it until 9/30.

My dates were wrong in my reply…applied by 8/16, TAMU received 8/30. I cannot figure out how to edit my responses here.

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I am not sure if he could apply as blinn teab for honors. But yes, if not auto admit, you definitely can.

In general with 1400+ SAT and top quarter should have no issue getting to Engineering. So it may be a few days or weeks more wait. And your son did apply early.

Since all non auto top quarter need holistic review, the essay and course strength will be a factor. There were a few cases of exception. Last year an applicant with 1480 SAT got Blinn offer because his math and Calculus grade were low in high school. But note that Blinn is a blessing in disguise as most Blinn team sucessfully join main campus, and the student got $2.5K savings while co-enrolling at Blinn.

If you have all “green checks” in AIS, may be just relax and not looking at it until Thanksgiving.

For Engineering Honor, a separate essay required and even non auto-admit can apply for Engineering Honor. Many close to top 10% got offered for Honor. Note that separate LORs may be required for Honor. If applied early some can get offer in Febuary but majority get offer after March.

My twins want to join the corps. They have visited the corps twice and both times the corps has made it very clear in parent sessions that joining the corps does NOT give you a leg up with admissions.

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Agreed. Nearly nothing this week re: acceptances. I sort of expected it to be a lot more in light of this post two weeks ago on Reddit from “TAMU Admissions Team”:

November is the biggest month of the year for Texas A&M admissions. This month will see a majority of decisions being released …

Maybe this is just the calm before a HUGE week next week. Let’s hope! Or maybe applicants are getting accepted left and right, but are not posting on this site. If you are out there, please post. It helps the rest of us gauge what’s going on.

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Could some explain “7 tabs” to me? TIA

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It’s on the “Howdy Portal”. Whenever you log in (obsessively every morning! HA! ) you will see three tabs at the top; Home, Applicant and My Howdy. Apparently whenever your student gets accepted, you till then have 6 or 7 tabs including things like housing and payment. We are praying we see them sooner than later!! I hope that helps!!

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She’ll take economics. TBH, expecting kids to know their life path at 17 is kind of ridiculous. I graduated with a degree in dietetics and my husband was pre-vet and never used the degrees we graduated with. We both have great careers in finance now. My daughter knows what matters is to get a good general degree unless you know engineering or being a Dr is your life’s work. She is interested in communications, design, marketing, etc but decided to choose a major that gives her flexibility in the work force.

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I couldn’t agree more. We’ve always told our kids how we didn’t use our degrees :wink: ! I went to UT and got a degree in Journalism~ I’ve been a flight attendant for 20 years! My husband has a masters in theater and runs an IT consulting company. So needless to say, we didn’t use our majors. Obviously our college experiences shaped our lives and led us to where we are now, but choosing a major back then didn’t seem like something you had to lock in at 17! I think A&M would be a fabulous fit for our son… so fingers crossed!


Pretty much same stats here for my son. This waiting is awful! Thought we/he were in his shape, but guess not.

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I will be surprised if your son doesn’t get in. Two years ago would be automatic.

I talked to engineering admission this past summer, they said they made a mistake last year admitting about the same number of students as previous years (11500 to 11800), but this Fall (2021), only ~5160 enrolled, they were expecting 5400. So they plan to admit more this year.


That’s also what waitlists are for. Maybe more Texans stayed close in Fall 2020 due to the pandemic and skewed yields.

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Thank you! You’re advice and encouragement on this thread have been greatly appreciated.

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