Texas A&M University Class of 2026

My twins participated in the Aggie Eagle/ROTC this past weekend. During the parent/student presentation the commander asked how many kids had already been accepted and maybe 10-12 raised their hands out of about 110….so not many. I would have expected many more. We were also told that due to the reorganization by the President of TAMU, admissions would be splitting into two groups (admissions and recruitment?). The plan is for one of these groups to move to a different building in December. He didn’t say it but it gave me the impression that this would slow admissions down a bit. I hope not as we were hoping to hear something ASAP/before the holidays.


Sunflowergirl4, thanks for that valuable information you shared!

Does anyone know how my son would change his 2nd Choice Major only? He started in Howdy in the Manage Application area but is afraid his 1st Choice Major will be effected so stopped and didn’t go any further yet. He wants to change from Economics to Ag Econ Finance and Real Estate. Anyone know kids in that program and what do they think about it?

Here is the link to the article about Potential Reorganization of Departments at TAMU.

Are there any links to final decisions made about reorganization?


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Simply asked a question via AIS. They will update second choice and respond within 2 business days.


DS changed his 2nd choice the other day. It was in AIS. Once he clicked change major, the first and 2nd choice came up and you can make changes to either. There are also a couple of screens you have to go through to approve the change and warnings about not being able to change it back if the previous choice is full or something like that.

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So cool! We saw the scouts marching in on a video posted yesterday. DS tried to sign up to sleep with the band but all the spots were full. He is signed up for March.
What did your twins think after their stay? DS is on the fence but is willing to try it out that weekend to see what it’s like.

Air force ROTC is one of the main reasons my DS want to go TAMU over UT. He got accepted to UT last month but he didn’t even open UT’s packet. He said he will drop UT if he got into AF ROTC and the major he wants in Mays.
You can’t argue with a school that produce almost a hundred AF generals.


My twins loved it. This was their second time to spend the night. I think they will do one more visit in the spring. Very informative.


First time posting. DS is OOS…applied to Mays end august. Heard nothing except today (Sunday 11/20) his portal shows the 6(7) tabs snd his first choice major is switched to economics which was his second choice major. No acceptance yet. He is really upset about Econ if that’s what he gets but I will just be happy with an acceptance! Any insights here?

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Many Econ students maintains good first year GPA can transfer to Mays. Look into the freshmen classes most of them are similar. (3 of 5 classes are the same) As a matter of fact I believe ECON 202 has more substance than BUSN 101.

It may also indicate Mays is full by now. Although some acceptance may not have received notification yet but that’s only my guess.


Can you share his stats? 6 tabs is a good sign

OOS Private school no rank
1400 SAT
4.1 WGPA
Pre IB course work 9/10th grades
Moved for 11th grade and mostly honors/AP classes 11/12th
Strong essays, Some good EC and volunteer but these definitely took a hit during covid especially bc we moved due to a work situation and are in the Philly area with pretty restrictive covid protocols most of last year. Plus adjusting to s new school.

He wanted Mays, not Econ but I keep telling him if he gets in then he should just make it work if this is where he sees himself.

What GPA is typically needed to transfer in? I’d heard only 100 total transfer in each year. Priority given to internal transfers over Blinn?

When we toured the campus and met with the local A&M recruiter that covers our school district, we were told that many kids do economics or other majors with a business minor. Not going the Mays route isn’t the end all. My DD chose Mays and Econ as 2nd choice and applied early August…still watching the paint dry and she’s been accepted with scholarship money to the other 3 schools but she is holding out for A&M before she’ll even entertain other options.

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If you meant Mays, for Blinn, the transfer sheet specifically says minimum 3.8 GPA. To me that’s quite tough as student can only afford one B per semester, rest has to be A.

@tristatecoog change of major to Mays is now 3.8-4.0, with only 100 accepted (website may say 3.5, if you ask around, everyone will tell you 3.9-4.0 to have a strong chance).
Not sure what you mean about priority? Transferring from Blinn juco and change of major are two separate things. There are those who start Blinn TEAM/Mays track, but they’ll still need the required classes taken, and 3.8.
Extremely competitive, but doable if you do it right.
**one big thing to watch is not having more than 60 hours! That includes DC, AP accepted and courses taken at A&M

7:01 am………still nothing

My son did this. Have to complete 30
Hours at tamu and certain courses. That along with high gpa (his was 3.8ish) and they find out super quick. The change of major takes into account nothing but courses and grades. There’s no essay. They don’t care what clubs you’re in etc. literally all grades.

Minimum requirement is 3.5. Here’s the link for reference on change of major to Mays.



Without scrolling back tons of posts - does the change to 6 tabs on howdy indicate an impending acceptance and how long till the notice? I told my son nothing is sure till he gets an admit letter and to temper expectations. :woozy_face:


I see a change to 7 tabs this morning also…but nothing official