texas a &m vs. georgia tech for computer science


<p>which one is better for computer science? Texas A & M or Georgia Tech . . . </p>

<p>I received a scholarship of $64k for 4 years from Texas . . . so essentially GTech works out to be about $90k additional . . . guess all i want to ask - is it worth spending $90k additional for GTech vis a vis Texas A and M?</p>

<p>GT was on my S original list of schools. He researched it and promptly removed it due to the student evaluations of it being overly stressful & unhappy with their college life. I would say that is one area where TAMU differs greatly from GT.</p>

<p>I have a friend who transferred from GT to Texas A&M majoring in com sci. GT is an excellent school, but Texas a&m has a better program for com sci and everyone is satsified with college life at A&M.</p>

<p>All things being equal I would say Georgia Tech–it is clearly the better school. However, in the context of spending $90K extra to attend it, I would say no. A degree in computer science from A&M will go a long way, especially in Texas.</p>