Texas Automatic Admission policy questions? TAMU engineering

<p>I know if you are top 10% or top 25% with a 1300 cr + math, you are an automatic admit. But I want to apply to TAMU Engineering, and I hear they are more selective than the other colleges at TAMU. So if I'm an auto admit, but I don't get accepted into engineering as my first choice, will I be able to get into for example College of Science at TAMU? (isn't as hard to get into as engineering). </p>

<p>Right now I'm a junior and by the end of this year I'll be top quarter and hopefully have above a 1300 on the SAT. (I'm taking it in a week and in may, also taking the ACT) Do you think I could get into Engineering at TAMU if I apply as soon as admissions open with a ~1300 SAT and just below 25%?</p>

<p>If you aren’t accepted for your first choice major they look at your 2nd and 3rd choices.</p>

<p>Okay, I’m thinking of putting ChemE first and Chem second. Do you think I have a shot if I apply as soon as admissions open?</p>

<p>I was in the same situation as you. I had just enough on the ACT although my rank was okay (top 15%). I applied early and was admitted to my first choice major, Petroleum Engineering. As long as you get everything in relatively early, you’ll be fine. Make sure to write your essays during the summer! It’ll take a lot of pressure off during the school year! Good luck</p>

<p>I agree with citytrap. I was done with my essays before school started and sent in my application in early september. that gave me time to get my test scores up and i was admitted to petroleum engineering in october pretty much a week after they received my new test scores. I applied with a 1220 on SAT then took ACT in october and got 32. I was top 11% though.</p>

<p>Yes, if you’re a math/science kid make sure you take the ACT. Son’s BFF was in your situation and he aced the ACT which got him even though he was only in the top 25%.</p>

<p>It may also depend on your SAT math score and your grades in Physics and Calculus. The average SAT Math score is 660 at the college of engineering. So, if you do well on these measures, I think your chances will be pretty good. My son got in with 26% rank and SAT math above 660.</p>

<p>Applying earlier might be a good idea. Make sure to have a teacher read your essays before you send them. And take the SAT/ACT multiple times to try and raise your scores. </p>

<p>Also keep hitting the books hard in your classes, you would be surprised how much you can move up or down in rank the second semester of Junior year as kids get distracted with prom etc.</p>

<p>On the practice test from the College Board SAT Study Guide I just took I got a 710 on math, I don’t know how that will transfer to the actual SAT though…</p>

<p>I moved up 12 spots this semester(197 to 185)/~680, hopefully I can get into top 170 or so!</p>

<p>rta212 - that is great! Keep working sounds like you are well on your way…</p>

<p>If you are an automatic admit, it’s first come, first served as far as the major goes. What they told my D on her campus visit was to print out the application from last year, fill in the blanks, get any outstanding information she needed ahead of time, and complete her essays so they would be ready to cut and paste into the new application as soon as it became available. </p>

<p>So basically, as soon as the application is available, fill it out and submit it. If you’re an auto admit, you’ll surely get into the engineering of your choice.</p>

<p>Thank you so much! Very informative and helpful:)</p>

<p>Our info was exactly the same as what Cromette said.</p>

RTA212 Did you get accepted ?