Texas Christian University MT program

<p>Hi, I am new to this site. I am urged to ask if anyone knows anything about the MT program at TCU? It appears to be a good program and TCU has been recognized in the Rugg’s Recommendations list as one of the top schools for Musical Theatre in the country for years, but I do not see much said about it in this site?
I see that there are a lot of moms that are very knowledgable… I would appreciate your kind comments as soon as you can.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>I don't know much about TCU. There are two (or possibly more?) posters here who might be able to give you insights. One is a poster who I personally know but whom I have not seen post here in a long time and I don't know if she is reading the forum. Her member name is dramama and she works at TCU and is an alum of the university. The other member is Ericsmom who is a TCU alum and who I believe explored TCU's MT program for her son in his admissions process, but he is now attending elsewhere. You could try to contact them. Ericsmom prefers emails over PMs. If dramama is not reading, it likely would be better to email her as well as she might not get the PM in a timely way. Just a suggestion.</p>

<p>Welcome to the Musical Theater Forum!</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Hi, I am the alum of TCU (business school) that Soozie mentions above. No doubt, dramama would have more current info, but I've posted about TCU on numerous occasions. To find prior info, enter TCU in the "search this forum" tool in the upper right hand corner of your screen. You are also welcome to send me an e-mail from the pull-down menu under my screen name. </p>

<p>We were most impressed when we visited TCU with my son, a little over 2 years ago. It seems to have a good program, and at the time it was a non-audition BFA (always double check in case this changes). One could audition for talent scholarships. TCU seems to have great academic scholarships as well. We've known a few students who have gone there in recent years for theatre / acting. We have not known personally anyone going for MT.</p>