Texas coach about to announce retirement

<p>I know there’s been a good deal of talk about Saban and UT. As a UT alum, I keep my ear to the ground over there too. There’s a good deal of very detailed talk that an agreement has been reached, that Mack is about to announce his retirement. Perhaps another piece to the puzzle.</p>

<p>Between this rumor and my husband being an ardent FSU supporter (claims our bama freshman was doing the tomahawk chop during his first ultrasound)…it’s been a VERY complicated football season in our house!!</p>

<p>Saban isn’t going to Texas. He gets asked this question several times PER WEEK. There’s no way he’d be saying “no” this many times and expect to have any credibility with players if he were to go to Texas.</p>

<p>He’s already said that he hates the way the Miami to Alabama thing went down. He’s not going to repeat it.</p>

<p>If Mack retires, best wishes for him. Good luck to Texas on finding their own non-Saban coach.</p>



<p>Is this tongue-in-cheek? </p>

<p>Nick Saban is infamous for ditching the Miami Dolphins after just two seasons to return to college coaching at Bama. It’s standard practice to tell reporters “no” while you’re negotiating a new opportunity.</p>

<p>[Saban</a> only lied when his lips were moving - columnist - ESPN](<a href=“Boxing schedule - ESPN”>Saban only lied when his lips were moving - ESPN)</p>

<p>Not saying he’s lying now, and not saying he’s leaving for Texas, but to take him at his word is kind of silly. He’s a college football coach, for Pete’s sake! ;-)</p>

<p>ETA: Sorry, it appears you amended your original post to address the Miami history while I was writing my post, but I’m still not taking him at his word. Unfortunately, money speaks loudest to too many folks. What if they make him “an offer he couldn’t refuse”?</p>

<p>^^ In the recent 60 Minutes special he said that saying he wasn’t going to go coach at Alabama, and then changing his mind and leaving the Dolphins for Alabama, was a big regret because he lost credibility. I really doubt he’d repeat that mistake.</p>

<p>*Is this tongue-in-cheek? </p>

<p>Nick Saban is infamous for ditching the Miami Dolphins after just two seasons to return to college coaching at Bama. It’s standard practice to tell reporters “no” while you’re negotiating a new opportunity.*</p>

<p>Uh no. If you really knew the details behind that, you’d understand.</p>

<p>And, since Saban did lose credibility after that, something that bothers him to this day, do you think he’d be saying, several times a week, week after week, that he’s not leaving Bama?</p>

<p>Get real.</p>

<p>ETA: Sorry, it appears you amended your original post to address the Miami history while I was writing my post, but I’m still not taking him at his word. Unfortunately, money speaks loudest to too many folks. What if they make him “an offer he couldn’t refuse”?</p>

<p>What the heck are you talking about?</p>

<p>You posted over an hour after I posted. Not only did I not change my post, it wouldn’t have been possible.</p>

<p>What if they make him “an offer he couldn’t refuse”?</p>


<p>There is not offer that Bama couldn’t match. </p>

<p>I suggest that you do some research into what really happened during the Miami to Alabama time. Stop buying into media hype, the Saban haters, and nonsense.</p>


How about saving us all a lot if time. Please explain what happened during the Miami to Alabama move that makes Saban’s early comments about not leaving Miami OK?</p>



<p>I sincerely apologize; I missed that part of your post the first time I read it. I thought you were being serious but after verifying that my recollection about Saban’s leaving the Dolphins was correct, I thought maybe you were joking. Believe it or not, lots of folks follow sports casually and aren’t obsessed with the inner working of athletics at the University of Alabama. </p>



<p>I don’t know how much research I’m expected to do, but I’m no hater, just a realist. Apparently you have access to the inner workings of the university’s athletic department and all levels of administration.</p>

<p>I don’t know if you have an official position at Bama or if you’re just a really loyal and enthusiastic booster, but your role on these forums of belittling posters who raise even the minutest criticism of the university do it no favors.</p>

<p>I don’t see why people are so concerned about this. Don’t coaches change jobs all the time? Not sure why they would be expected to stay in the same place forever. </p>

<p>Now, I agree it would be best if he didn’t deny he was leaving, but you can’t expect him to say he’s leaving (to his players) in the middle of a championship season…can you? He has to keep the team together and focused. </p>

<p>He may truly want to retire at Alabama, but he’s a competitive, driven man. I wouldn’t blame him if he had other goals he wanted to accomplish outside of Alabama.</p>

<p>Start the presses! 9 days till Bama told into Auburn for a game. Time to start the media hype that Saban’s leaving Alabama.</p>

<p>Ok, being a realist. 1. Seeing as how competitive as Saban is, I do not see him entertaining any talk right now with any other school. This is the man that complains that while he’s coaching a team in a NC that other coaches are knee deep in recruiting and he’s missing valuable recruiting time. 2. I do not see him announcing that he’s leaving at any time while the season is still full on. 3. I also do not see Mack Brown announcing retirement during the season. 4. The talk that Saban’s agent had with UT was back in January/February. There’s a lot of water that’s gone under the bridge since then. 5. Saban has said the Miami-Alabama move was not handled well at all and apologized for that.<br>
Just some things to consider in the grand scheme of things.</p>

<p>Is it true that Saban is underpaid? If so that’s a bad sign :(</p>

<p>*I don’t see why people are so concerned about this. Don’t coaches change jobs all the time? Not sure why they would be expected to stay in the same place forever. *</p>

<p>Yes, they do. When they’re climbing the ladder up to Big Div I football or onto the NFL. All the time. Bama’s at the top of the NCAA. Nick’s at the top rung now. Beyond that is the NFL.</p>

<p>However, Nick has done NFL thing, doesn’t like that. He’s 62 and looking towards RETIREMENT. Therefore, he has made it clear that he’s “too old” to start over elsewhere (it took him 3 years to get his players playing and the “old ones” in line). He doesn’t want to start over. He has said, over and over, that he’s going to retire at Bama.</p>

<p>He already has enough money. If he demanded more, Bama would give it to him. He’s already earning $6M. Bama could double that and Bama would still make a hefty profit. </p>

<p>He’s winning Back to Back Nat’l Championships HERE…there’s nothing ELSE to accomplish. </p>

<p>Last year there were rumors that he was going to the Browns. He’s done the NFL and HATES dealing with adult players all day long. He likes having students. They go to school during the day, he has time to pow wow with his coaches, then the kids come afterschool and then he teaches them. That’s what he loves. He doesn’t love having big grown 30+ year old men all around all the time.</p>

<p>And, again, he hates the way the Miami to Bama looked. The story that was spread by the presses wasn’t accurate. Mal Moore had the real story and tells it on a video. At the time that Saban said those words he had NOT spoken to Alabama yet. Bama had not extended an offer. Mal Moore, without an appt, without Saban or his agent knowing, borrowed the Bama jet and flew down to Miami. (Witt joked to him that Mal would have to stand on a street corner and nab Saban to get to talk to him). Mal stubbornly went down there determined to sign Nick (and went beyond the Witt agreed upon salary…oops). Mal Moore appealed to how Nick was a better fit for college ball, Nick conceded, signed, and then it was immediately announced. So, when Nick was saying that he wasn’t going to Bama, he was telling the truth. At that point, he had not spoken to Bama, nor had he had an offer extended.</p>

<p>minutest criticism</p>

<p>You have a strange definition of “minutest criticism”. Essentially implying that Saban is a liar. And, likely implying that that student’s criticisms were “minute”. Sure.</p>

<p>you tell em Mom! Don’t mess with Mom, or you just might get a smackdown!</p>

<p>Another realist:</p>

<p>I’ve read all those reports and seen all those comments mentioned by M2K, but I’ve also seen reports saying that Saban has a BIG ego and he feels bad about ‘failing’ in the NFL and that before he retires he is going to want to return to the NFL to prove to himself and others that he can be successful in that environment. I have also seen RECENT reports of him talking about the stress and pressures of being in a program such as Alabama.</p>

<p>The fact is that with AJ leaving, Alabama is going to be in a bit of a rebuilding mode next year. This is only speculation, but if Saban is even remotely considering leaving, this is probably the best year for him to do so, which he has probably reflected on, since a new coach can come in with a new quarterback and a new system all at the same time. Also somewhere in the back of his mind, I am sure, is the fact that Alabama players, fans, and administrators EXPECT championships. He may have his doubts that he will be able to contend for a fourth national championship while the team is developing a new quarterback and may be feeling the pressure that may bring. </p>

<p>But the bottom line is it is all just speculation at this point. Yes, he’s said OVER and OVER and OVER again, that he is not leaving, but what else can he say at this point??? It’s a question the media shouldn’t even be allowed to ask until the end of the season. Saban is committed to his current team and their championship run and he knows that even if he is remotely considering leaving at this point if he were to admit that to the press in the midst of the season that there would be a media FRENZY taking the focus from the games and the team which is where the focus needs to be, it would cause significiant disappointment and perhaps lack of committment from the younger players on the team, and it would cause a change in focus with the fans and administration that would distract from the task at hand. Even if he is considering leaving, there is NO WAY he could or would admit that to the press before January. That’s not accusing him of lying, in fact, it’s saying how loyal he is to his current team and players and how he would not be responsible for causing distrations from the current season. He could simply say ‘no comment’, but that would cause so much increased speculation, far beyond what is already happening, that it would be nearly as bad as admitting it has crossed his mind. He has no option but to deny rumors until January. When he says in January that he’s not leaving then I’ll believe it, for now it’s all just speculation…</p>

<p>But I’m just a disillusioned NFL fan. There were A LOT of players that were going to retire wearing Indianapolis Colts jerseys too…</p>

<p>Lucie, your point about ‘belittling posters’ is spot on. She can be very mean-spirited.</p>

<p>^^ agree with jrcsmom ^^</p>



<p>If he were to leave, it would be for this very reason. He’s proven himself at Bama. I think the thought of being the first coach to win national championships at 3 different schools has to tempt him. </p>

<p>62 is not old and not near retirement age for many. </p>

<p>I am not saying he’s going, but I think it’s not out of the question that he could go.</p>

<p>The inside scoop at UT (my dad is connected to the sports program) is that there is a 75% chance Saban is coming to Texas. I haven’t followed all of the details, but that’s what I’ve read on emails on a closed list of recipients.</p>

<p>I’m not being argumentative - just telling you what I’ve heard. I’m so far away from Texas now that I don’t get worked up with this stuff anymore.</p>

<p>Just my .02, it is when the word “Lying” comes into play that ruffles feathers. To call him out even on here and say he is lying in so many words, is pretty untruthful. As jcrsmom has said, it would be a huge disservice to the team to come out and say he is leaving at the end of the season. Ain’t gonna happen! Him laughing it off or getting tired & irritated at being asked that question over and over again has got to be a major PITA. Just because he says no at this moment does not mean he is lying. At all. Just means he has focus on the job he has been handed to do and is putting all of his efforts into the job at hand. </p>

<p>If he does leave it would be a shame for some to start saying he was lying in October, November, December when he said no. He was not and is not lying when he speaks NOW about his current position. He is a very focused and driven individual.</p>