Texas college

<p>K i have a bunch of questions about this school
1-Is it true that this school has top 10 undergrad business/finance program?
2-Its in Texas.How would people in this college and the town/city around it treat people that come from different countries with broken english?
3-Is it really true that 23 on the ACT enough to get in??
4-Do they have summer course programs so people would finish undergrad college in 3 years?</p>

<li>Depends on who you ask, however, on the Business Weekly rankings they have McCombs at #9 in the country.</li>
<li>Are you suggesting that Texans are prejudice? lol</li>
<li>It could be for some majors, but won’t get into Business with a 23, if that is what you are interested in, though.</li>
<li>There is a summer class program for Freshman applicants if that is what you are asking</li>

<p>If you are from outside Texas, I’m sure the state seems scary. We love ourselves here.</p>

<p>But Austin is unlike any other city in the state. It’s not as fun and funky as it used to be, but almost everyone I know affiliated with the university is totally cool. At my local elementary school in the 'burbs, 18 languages/dialects are spoken in the pre-K class. Lots of Urdu from engineers and such. We take all comers. Don’t let big-talking Texans scare you off.</p>

2. Small town Texas is not big town Texas. And no other city is like Austin. It is incredibly diverse on campus, you will be fine.
3.No, unless your top 10% in state it won’t cut it, if you looking for out of state admission, your going to have a really high rank or really good test scores, and if you want business, you have to have both.
4. Yes they have some summer classes, however, they might not offer exactly what you want ever summer. It is easily possible to get done in 3 years with summer school, but I would recommend doing summer school at a community college if possible far more than doing it here.</p>

<p>Ty all for repsponses but i have 2 more questions.
1-Lets say ill get accepted into this college but then i would want to transfer to NYU.Will B+ average in all classes and recomendations from professors be enough for transfering?
2-Salaries.Of course everybody are interested in this.As usual if Ill be in top 10% of my class(average test scores etc)what starting salary should i expect?</p>

<p>People from outside of Texas are not admitted with ACT scores of 23, unless perhaps if they are recruited athletes.</p>

<p>Students from within Texas are admitted with ACT scores of 23 only if their grades put them in the top 10% of their high school’s graduating class. Right now, everyone who is from Texas can attend any Texas public college if they come from the top 10% of their high school graduating class.</p>

<p>It is difficult to be admitted to Texas from out of state or out of the country. The range of ACT and SAT scores make it look easier than it is because the overall range of ACT and SAT scores that you see for this school includes scores from students who were admitted automatically by the “top 10%” rule.</p>

<p>How can I become recruited athlete?Recomendations from my coach and my high school scores-will that be enough?Or I need somehow magically contact college’s coach?</p>

<p>What sport…?</p>

<p>^What sport…?</p>

<p>Tennis.And this question is not only about playing tennis for this college.I want to know how can I notify other colleges or coaches that im the best player in my school and city plus i have almost perfect score(2 losses out of 30 games sophmore and freshman year)</p>

<p>What country, and are you nationally ranked or internationally ranked(ITF)… Your probably not good enough to make the Texas team, only because the caliber player is so high. All of the international players at Texas were ranked in the top 100 of ITF players.</p>

Thats the phone number for the head tennis coach, named michael center.
You can find the directory for the rest of the coaches here:
[TEXAS</a> LONGHORNS Official Athletic Site](<a href=“http://www.texassports.com/staffdir/tex-staffdir.html#mtn]TEXAS”>http://www.texassports.com/staffdir/tex-staffdir.html#mtn)</p>

<p>If you want to be on a texas team, they’re going to have to see what you can do. That is most likely mean you have to come to the school and try out, but maybe they have some other procedure.</p>

<p>If you only got a 23 on your ACT you have no chance. Sorry. UT doesn’t care enough about diversity to overlook a score like that.</p>

<p>As far as a starting salary, there is no way to know. Also, if you’ve worked this hard to try and come to a US school, why would you assume you’re only going to have a B average? That seems silly to me.</p>

<p>Anyway, good luck.</p>

<p>I live in USA.I honestly dont know my international rank and While I was in USA I didnt play internationaly but my high-school scores are impressive</p>

<p>Basically, if you aren’t recruited, you have almost no chance to get on the team.</p>

<p>Looks like the UT Men’s Tennis team has Class of 2009 boys who are currently U.S. ranked 18, 39, 57, and 64 committed to Texas tennis.
[Team</a> Overview](<a href=“Team Overview”>Team Overview)
Press release
[TEXAS</a> LONGHORNS - Nov 20, 2008](<a href=“http://www.texassports.com/sports/m-tennis/spec-rel/112008aae.html]TEXAS”>http://www.texassports.com/sports/m-tennis/spec-rel/112008aae.html)</p>

<p>^ Lol. A blue-chip and three 5-Star prospects. Wow.</p>

<p>Basically no chance for Future13.</p>