Texas Southern University's Honors College

<p>I'm a newly admitted member of the Texas Southern University's Thomas Freeman Honors College Class of 2018 and I'm curious to know if there's any current members on CC who can give me more insight about their experience ....</p>

<p>More about me:
-I'm from Fort Collins, CO
-29 ACT, 3.8 GPA, 21/461 ranking
-African-American Male
-Picked TSU over Morehouse, Howard, University of Washington, University of Texas at Austin.<br>
-I fell in love with TSU and Houston after my visit
-My major is Electronic Engineering Technology (with an intent to get my Masters from a major PWI)
-I received a full scholarship to TSU</p>

<p>I’m almost complete with my first semester at TSU and I love it. It’s been an good experience so far and I’m definitely loving the black social scene and marching band (something I’m not use to) … I made the right choice for sure.</p>

<p>My major has changed to Pharmacy (I’ll be a Doctor real soon).and the weather is amazing … I love not being in the snow back in CO! Go Maroon & Grey Tigers!</p>

Hi! I’m transfer to Texas Southern University in 2017 too. May I ask how did you apply to your scholarship? I tried to find the link on the website or any clue guiding how to apply but have no luck! I really appreciate if you can help me with this.

@Scholar111 http://em.tsu.edu/financialaid/scholarships/

You also may want to call as well to inquire, it definitely helps not to do everything 100% online.