Texas Tech or LSU for Petroleum Engineering??

I have been accepted to both, but I am undecided as to where to attend. Tech is ranked 9 for petrol. and LSU is ranked 11. Which one do you think has better opportunities? Which one has more recruiters from big companies? Which one is more recognized?

I would give a slight lead to Texas Tech but overall they are pretty similar I believe. I’d go with the best cost for you

I would slightly lean towards Texas Tech as well but I’m sure they’re closely qualified. It depends on the financial. How much money did you get from each school? How much will you have to pay?

So far, I haven’t been offered any scholarships, but my parents will be paying tuition regardless of the price. @TheDidactic

Where are you in-state at?

@TheDidactic I am from Texas

I would go towards Texas Tech then. Not counting any possible scholarships, that’s 20K per year whereas LSU would be 38K not counting any scholarships.
