Hello! I’m a senior in high school, and I am having trouble choosing between going to Texas Tech or Texas State.
I want to Major in nutrition, so is either of these schools better than the other in this field?
I also want to take into consideration the enviroment of the colleges, the overall academics, the dorms… If anyone went to either of these schools it would be really helpful to hear about your experiences and what you thought of these schools as a whole.
I haven’t visited either of the campuses, since I live 8 hours from Tech and 4 from State, so it’s really hard to make a desicion.
I would really appreaciate any input!
Thank you!
I’d say visit both. I’m currently attending Tech. I visited UT, A&M, Texas State, Baylor & Tech. I chose Tech simply because they offered me a transfer scholarship. Money talks. Anyways, I had not heard many good things about Tech before attending. However, ALL the claims I heard were wrong, dead wrong. I would strongly suggest you visit. About the distance, yes it was 11 hours from my home in South Texas, but I don’t regret it one bit. I’m currently staying off campus at Raiders Pass & I absolutely love it. Also for my major, history Tech has a much better program than Texas State. Texas State might be in a better location, but like I said the $$ talks.
Tech has a much better reputation, in general, than Texas State. To me, it is your obvious choice.