<p>Do most students buy textbooks at the bookstore? Is there any savings if you buy them somewhere else, such as Amazon. Is there any other bookstores near UCI? Thanks.</p>
<p>This is something you have to spend some time thinking how your gonna spend books wisely. Compare prices from used books from UCI bookstore and online sites i.e. Amazon. Is it cheaper? Used books can be around $100 while new ones could double of a used book. IMO Online is cheaper, but its takes about 2-3 week delivery so plan ahead.</p>
<p>the bookstore isnt horribly overpriced IMO. typically cheaper by a little.</p>
<p>note to new sci students: the phys 7 series text is wayyyyyyy cheaper at amazon because they dont bundle the webassign with it (many lower level classes will havesome web work- chem. econ and calc do too.)</p>
<p>it’s definitely cheaper to buy the books from anywhere but the bookstore. amazon is pretty good but look around online. you can find out the book ISBNs in advance via the bookstore and then search online to find a good deal</p>
<p>Flemmyd, Im going to be a physics major. Will I have enouh time before the class begins to order/ship the book from an online source?
Also, I didn’t completely understand what you said about the “webassign”, would that apply to me?</p>
<p>A lot of the Bio books are custom though so you can’t find them cheaper…and either have to pay the bookstore or find someone from the previous year. Some of the used books or sets of books I found were cheaper as a pack in the bookstore but not often(usually when the class does not use the web-associated program bundled with the new copies)</p>
<p>tip: join this facebook group</p>
<p>[SELL</a> TEXTBOOKS DIRECTLY (UCI) | Facebook](<a href=“http://uci.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2252240646]SELL”>http://uci.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2252240646)</p>
<p>i use <a href=“http://forum.zotters.org/[/url]”>http://forum.zotters.org/</a>, uloop.com, facebook.com, and then theres a store (text mania) in the UTC but i’ve never been there.</p>