Textbook formats on tablets....

<p>I heard from a relative that some colleges require a student to have a certain platform for tablets to use their electronic textbooks. iOS or Android only.
I'm currently planning to get a tablet but because of this recent discovery, I'm not sure which tablet I should get mainly because of the OS and college. </p>

<p>Applied to :
CSU Poly Pomona
CSU San Luis Obispo
CSU Long Beach
San Jose State</p>

<p>UC Irvine
UC Santa Barbara
UC Davis</p>

<p>So which college uses which OS? or either?
Please answer as </p>

<p><em>college name</em> - 'OS name' / either OS

<p>I have NEVER heard of a college that requires a student to have a tablet.</p>

<p>tablets are so annoying</p>



<p>Dunno if they still do it, but I remember learning that VTech engineering students need tablet PCs (the laptops, not the slates like iPad or Galaxy Tab) back when I was doing college searches. </p>

<p>OP, they’ll probably tell you which one they require (if they require one at all) at orientation.</p>

<p>^ Now programs, I’ve heard of. But whole colleges? No.</p>

<p>Maybe I’m saying this wrong but in the list of colleges I said, which one prefers which platform?</p>

<p>Why don’t you call them and ask? Like I said, they might not even require tablets at all.</p>

<p>I go to UC Davis, and to access their electronic textbooks, you just need to have the following: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Mac OS X 10.3* or above
At least 280 MB RAM, a 600 mHz processor, and 110 MB of hard drive space
1024x768 screen resolution or larger. No tablet is required.</p>

<p>What format are the books in? Better yet, do they have any versions for Android?</p>

<p>LOL look at this:</p>

<p>[Sophia</a> Stockton, College Student, Finds Cocaine In Textbook Ordered From Amazon](<a href=“HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost”>Sophia Stockton, College Student, Finds Cocaine In Textbook Ordered From Amazon | HuffPost College)</p>

<p>@ dragon: They’re eBooks. As long as you have Adobe Reader 6.0, it doesn’t matter what format the books are in–honestly, I don’t have a tablet, so I really don’t know what you mean by that. And apparently, you read them off the CourseSmart website once you purchase access to the eBooks (there’s also a version that you can read offline, but you need Firefox 3.6 or higher for that). I read the eBook for my NPB 101 class straight off of my computer.</p>

<p>@ sopranokitty:</p>

<p>Ok, thanks. :slight_smile:
I think I’ll go with a 10 inch Android Tablet.
Hopefully I won’t end up in a college that have textbooks in “iBooks” format only.</p>