Textbook help!

<p>I was wondering...is there a difference between a textbook that is published in say May 2007 than one that is published in August 2007? It is the same edition but has different ISBN. Is the ISBN only different because of the different publication date?</p>

<p>Do they both have the same number of digits?</p>

<p>yes they do</p>

<p>Could one ISBN be an international version and one the US version?</p>

<p>If so, they're probably the same. I don't know the ISBN system well enough to know if they have the same amount of digits. But I do know that most of the time, the books are virtually the same.</p>

<p>Usually if they publish the same book again at a later date, they added something to it. Essentially it's a different book.</p>

<p>However the changes are very minor so there wont be much difference getting either. Iv had a class where the instructor was using an older book than the students lol. She had no clue there was a later version. Worked out fine anyway.</p>