Textbook Questions

My daughter will be attending UA this fall. While I have some spare time, I thought I would try to get an idea of how much her books will cost. I decided to start by looking at Calculus books. She is taking AP Calculus AB this year and doing very well, so we are hoping she will do well enough on the AP test to start with Calc II at UA, but she may start with Calc I. There are many book choices. It seems you can buy a new book with or without a Webassign code. It also looks like you can buy Webassign codes separately for one or two semesters. I’m assuming if you bought a used book or rented a book then you would need to buy Webassign codes separately. What exactly is a Webassign code? Does it have something to do with doing homework online? Is the same textbook used for Calc I, Calc II, and Calc III? If so, if you buy a new book with Webassign, is that code good for all three semesters of Calc? If anyone can explain how all of this works, I would be so appreciative. When I went to college, we didn’t have the internet, so all I had to do was try to get to the bookstore early enough to find good used textbooks or buy them from friends so I didn’t have to pay big bucks for new ones. Also, are there better ways to buy/rent books and codes than getting them through the SupeStore?

Webassign is an online homework program, you need to purchase a code to have a full access.
Each code is specific to book and courses.
However for calculus, you barely or never neer a book in and out of class. I dont have a textbook and I have no problem with it

@TNmomof1‌ Have you joined the facebook The University of Alabama Parents page? If not, you should…you can get all kind of info like that there.

You can buy a used textbook which covers Calc I through III and the multi-term webassign code. This is the most economical way to go. My son rarely (if ever) used his textbook but he did need the codes for the courses he took (Calc II and III) Buy the code through the vendor online (cheapest) and the book from whatever method you find cheapest (Amazon, half.com, another student).

@paul2752, @class2012mom I’m curious as to not having to use the Calc textbook. Are the profs really that good or are there other resources to use that explain better than the textbook? I’ve read several threads on here about how difficult Calc II is, so I had planned to get my daughter the textbook early so she could get a head start over the summer.

@mom2collegekids‌ I got your message, but I don’t know how to send a PM. How do I do that?

I would have to ask my son to be sure but I believe he said the learning came from the lectures and a web component. My son came in with AP Calc credit and could have chosen to skip II but repeated (which is a decision we would make again).

When you buy webassign code, it comes with Ebook of textbook.
Professors? Depends on each person…however my Honors calc teacher is neither bad nor good. Just average.
Name is Kabe Moen.

My son found Moen to be an excellent professor.