Textbooks Required

<p>Hey everybody :) I am an incoming international freshman into general engineering. Could somebody please tell me the textbooks which are required as I have heard they are expensive and it's much better to get them off amazon or student rate. These are a list of my subject in the first semester.
Chem 1074: Chemistry for Engrs </p>

<p>Chem 1084: Chemistry Lab for Engrs </p>

<p>Math 1205: Calculus I </p>

<p>Math 1114: Linear Algebra </p>

<p>Engl 1105: Freshman English </p>

<p>ENGE 1024: Engr. Exploration </p>

<p>Thankyou :)</p>

<p>If you go to this link: [Virginia</a> Tech Bookstore - Textbooks](<a href=“efollett”>efollett) and put in your classes it’ll tell you.</p>

<p>yeah i got to know about it. thanks anyway :)</p>