
<p>Is there any circumstance when it would be better to buy a new book rather than a used one?
for instance my classes are fr 202, econ 001, and a writing seminar</p>

<p>Buy used for econ and the writing seminar (as least the writer's manual things). You may want to buy new for French (or any other language), because you'll probably need new workbooks. Language textbooks usually come in packs and it's difficult to find them individually.</p>

<p>OP, you want to buy my econ 1 book?</p>

<p>how much venkat?</p>

<p>also, do you guys normally buy from the penn bookstore or is there somewhere better/cheaper?</p>

<p>anyone know if you can use a Barnes and Noble member card (the frequent buyer thingy) to buy your textbooks via the penn bookstore? I'm asking because I have the vague idea that the penn bookstore is a BN.</p>

<p>I know the store accepts Barnes and Noble gift cards, so I'm sure it would take the member cards too..</p>

<p>sweet. would the thing work online too? I don't remember if there was a option for that last semester when I ordered my books.</p>

<p>Much better than the bookstore is "Better than the Bookstore". Buy used, resell at the end of the semester for practically the same price, great system. Web site is being worked on, but I'm sure they'll be up before school starts:
[url=<a href="http://www.betterthanthebookstore.com/%5DBetterThanTheBookStore%5B/url"&gt;http://www.betterthanthebookstore.com/]BetterThanTheBookStore[/url&lt;/a&gt;]&lt;/p>

<p>how can we look up the textbooks for courses like econ 001 and math 114? are there course syllabus posted somewhere?</p>

<p>You can look up the textbooks here <a href="http://upenn.bncollege.com/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://upenn.bncollege.com/&lt;/a> under the "Buy Your Textbooks On-Line Today! " heading. Or you can just be a normal person and wait until classes start when the prof will hand out the syllabus.</p>