Thank You and Roll Tide!

<p>I just wanted to send out a BIG thank you to those that have been SO helpful to my family (and all of us here on CC really) as we navigated this process. I won’t name you all, but you know who you are! If UA is even half as good as it has been portrayed here, it will be an excellent experience for my daughter.</p>

<p>She was accepted to all 8 of the schools she applied to except WashU (waitlist), and she received Presidential / Chancellor level scholarships at 5 of those, but aside from Rice which had remained a sentimental favorite (her g’ma lives in Houston) UA rose to the top and could not be unseated.</p>

<p>I have not seen her more happy & relieved as the two nights ago when we got the CBHP notification. I certainly do not remember so much angst and drama associated with our college choice back in the early 80s, but as a parent it is so fulfilling and a source of such pride to know that after she’s worked SO hard that she is being rewarded with such a wonderful opportunity and that she is SO excited about it!</p>

<p>So, thank you all again, now that the decision is done!</p>

<p>I’m not going anywhere mind you, my family says that I’m hooked on CC-crack, but I will take this opportunity to say a big ROLL TIDE ROLL in any and every context in which it can be used on such an occasion!!! :-)</p>

<p>Congratulations! That’s what we loved about Bama during the admission process. They truly make your child feel wanted! Wishing you a good end of senior year, and hope you guys get to do something special this summer to celebrate!</p>

<p>Well said Dad. I feel almost exactly the same. Without the help of the folks on this board we might have missed out on this opportunity. </p>

<p>I hope to get to visit with some of you folks over the next 4 years.</p>

<p>Dad, all I can say is: mega-dittos! (to coin a phrase, LOL)</p>

<p>You took the words right out of my mouth! We have already made some lifelong friends on here and at UA. Thank you all. My D has never been happier!</p>

<p>Ditto & Roll Tide.
Hope to meet y’all irl</p>

<p>We feel the same way about UA. This has really been a fabulous experience all the way around. We are so excited for our son.</p>

<p>This board has been so supportive, accurate and embracing. Like the rest of you, I would love to have a “CC-UA” get together. Since we all have students in differing years, are signed up to different Bama Bound events, and may or may not be doing the OA/AA experience, this could be challenging. How about we try to do something at Parents weekend? Is everyone trying to make it to that event?</p>

<p>Congrats on a great decision Dad2IL - here’s your first official Chicagoland Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Awesome … Thanks! A big Role Tide back at everyone from Chicago’s northern burbs!</p>

<p>Hope to meet all of you sometime in the next years!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Roll Tide everyone!! My D is so excited to attend UA. I am sure the kids will all meet each other at the Honors College get togethers. I am happy that she will have a built-in family at UA. I am so grateful that I found CC and this forum. The parents, current students and future students have been so generous with their information and encouragement.</p>

<p>Congratulations, Dad2ILD!</p>