As M10 gets closer, I would like to thank everyone who has commented on my threads. My family’s very new to this process and we woud be at a lost without CC.
Thank you: @twinsmama @buuzn03 @SatchelSF @Center @cababe97 @queenmother @sunnyschool @lilypad123 @SculptorDad @chemmchimney @CaliMex @PhotographerMom @ChoatieMom and more. I’m sorry if I didn’t put you on the list, but do know that I am extremely thankful for all the comments I’ve received.
@ephimerally we were in the same boat last year and you have included me in a list of legends…the others mentioned there got me through some sticky and confusing times, so I’m so glad I could pay back. GOOD LUCK tomorrow! I am pulling for you and hope you land in the best place possible…you will do great things!
Aww, shucks (blushing). Just paying it forward 
I feel the same way. Without CC, there’s no way I would be accepted to any school (that is not an exaggeration, but I I won’t say why here for privacy)
Of course! I’m so happy that I could help! If you’re feeling up to it, keep us updated on how tomorrow goes:) We would love to hear. Remember, no matter what happens, your admissions to schools doesn’t define you or your self worth. Just from messaging with you I can tell that you are a driven, smart, accomplished, and kind person and I wish you the best of luck:)