<p>I posted here previously, and I can't stress how much I benefited from this forum, where I received a gret deal of a much-needed..guidance (not just advice) . And I very, soooo, much appreciate it. You people are awesome!!!</p>
<p>The background: 26 year-old African-American (grew up in Africa, African parents, but U.S. born) with little college work but no degree (performed poorly when I was at a JC due to financial reasons). English is my 2nd tounge (and pen), Arabic is my first. I excell in math and science. Math has always been my easy A+ with no to little out-of-class work, though too boring to be a career choice. I enjoy science and technology alot, but I don't like the confinement of their highly-specialized careers. As an undergrad, I think a broad subject such as psychology would offer an interesting job and a great flexiblity for grad school field-choice (if any), and would permit me to use my sci/math background. LACs are out of questin, at least now.</p>
<p>The problem: My Writing + Vocabulary (English, offcourse). They're not even at a H.S.-level (an average Stanford freshman apllicant would make a mockery of me on any day. In English, that is). Explaination: I aspire the high academics offered at top private schools (certainly not just hunting for the prestige or brand name). While other students in America spent their first 17-19 years of life reading English books, building strong vocabulry, and getting high GPAs in History and Literature AP classes, I was doing that with a completly foriegn language. (Im not trying to apologize for or gloss my weakness, Im just trying to simplify it to readers)</p>
<p>The question: What is the best way to improve my English without accumulating more college credit, nor adding anything to my transcript(s)? What do you know about Continuing Education/Personal Enrichment classes offered at junior colleges? are they useful? I asked Mr. Google where to begin, but the responce was confusing and I was spending hours searching without arriving to a definite decision on where to start. Too many options and I have no idea who to ask or a clear picture of what method to use. Since I can't affored private tutoring, I prefer self-study, but, even with that in mind, I just don't have a clear path to follow.</p>
<pre><code>If you have little more time, read on:
<p>As I mentioned in the link above, I'm already stuck with 49 semester-units from a JC1 @ 2.73 GPA (none to blame but my ignorance of driving regulations in America). I think the best way to circumvent this tragedy is to temporarily forget I was ever in college, work on my English for few to several months, take the SAT and aplly for JC2 honors' program, then apply to universities as a junior transfer with two transcripts: One from JC1 with 49 units and 2.73GPA; another from JC2 with 60-70 semester units and ~ 4.0GPA--again, all after I improve my English.
<a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=295957%5B/url%5D">http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=295957</a></p>
<p>I tried to be as concise as I can in order to get the best advice possible. Thanks in advance</p>