Thanksgiving Break

<p>The calendar states "classes dismissed " on Nov 21 (Wednesday) and “Holiday” on Nov 22 and Nov 23. Does this mean that there are no classes on Wednesday Nov 21?</p>

<p>There are no classes on Wednesday. The school staff does have to work, thus the different designation.</p>

<p>Thanks! I can now concentrate on trying to find a ride home or to the bus station for DS!</p>

<p>For classes that meet only once a week, does anyone know if they will have those classes on the Tuesday (2 days before Thanksgiving)? At the very beginning of school this fall, son said they didn’t have certain classes, because people who have a lab on a different day of the week would have more labs than them. Just wondering if that holds true for the Thanksgiving week as well.</p>

<p>your kid should have this info on his syllabus.</p>

<p>typically this rule holds, but not always.</p>

<p>Send an email to the prof or lab TA and ask</p>

<p>We looked at D’s math syllabus last night (she’s home for the break) and learned that she has a test during the math lab on the evening of the 20th. I’ve had her booked on a flight that night for months. Bummer.</p>


<p>Does your D have one of those Tuesday night lab/recitation classes? </p>

<p>She might email and ask if she could take the test that afternoon? there may be other students in her situation.</p>