Thanksgiving holiday clarification

<p>Trying to figure out flights home for Thanksgiving.</p>

<p>Do students attend classes on Wednesday or not?</p>

<p>If not, could probably fly son home Tuesday evening, so need to book soon!</p>

<p>Thanks for any help. Feel stupid for asking, as son is a sophomore, but our plans were so up in the air last year because of Iron Bowl and the weird fall break schedule, don’t know which is the actual day they start not having classes!</p>

<p>Thanks again!</p>

<p>There are no classes on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday the week of Thanksgiving.</p>

<p>When in doubt look at the academic calendar on website. Click on semester.</p>

<p>^^^I never can be sure what they mean when they say class dismissed. Thanks for the clarification, Seatide. Now I’ve got to find out if there will be a recitation period on Tuesday night for the calculus class.</p>

<p>Class dismissed mean “no classes are held.”</p>

<p>We took a chance in August and booked son’s Thanksgiving flight to leave Tuesday afternoon before the break. Although he has a 2-hr. Tues. night class on his schedule, luckily, that class only meets rarely, usually during exams, and it looks like there is no exam scheduled on that day. </p>

<p>In the past, son has also asked his professor at the start of the semester if class will meet on a particular day before a major holiday break so his flight reservations can be changed accordingly. Southwest does not charge a fee for changing flights. Some teachers are understanding of OOS students travel plans and choose not to meet on that day. It all depends.</p>