Thanksgiving in Tuscaloosa

<p>Are they serving dinner @ the Ferg this year? I’m tempted to head down to T-town for a few days. Just found out most of my family is away & all my kids are out of town. My sister wants to go out. H & I abhor going to restaurants on holidays.</p>

<p>In years past OOS students have been invited to roommate’s houses, friend’s houses, Dean’s houses and professor’s houses as reported here on CC. Also students have been known to band together and coordinate a group meal. Others will probably just sleep the day away :)</p>

<p>I haven’t heard or seen anything this year about a Thanksgiving dinner in the Ferg for UA students and guests. I have seen information about one for Tuscaloosa’s underprivileged children, but that’s it.</p>

<p>I plan on sleeping late, seeing/talking to my family via Skype, shopping on Amazon, and cooking a steak. My family has been celebrating Thanksgiving in October for the past few years, though not usually on Canadian Thanksgiving aka Columbus Day in the US, and usually has steak for the November Thanksgiving.</p>

<p>Hi all…just wanted to pop in and say we are driving to look at the campus
tomorrow, be there by early evening. It being Sunday, are there any local establishments open that you’d recommend?</p>

<p>@k, Full Moon BBQ is open on sunday…those of you going to the Iron Bowl, may I remind you that there is also Coach Grant’s Men’s Basketball Game that Friday Night…Coach Grant is doing big things in basketball and he is doing it the right way…CRIMSON TIDE HOOPS is underway!</p>

<p>Are the dining halls closed the entire weekend or just Thanksgiving Day? Will there be restaurants on the strip open Fri-Sun? My S doesn’t have a car so there will be no way for him to drive anywhere off campus.</p>

<p>My D is in the same boat. She has no car, and all of her roommates are going home. She has been invited to go home with them, but she has a ticket to the game and they are not coming back in time. If the dining halls are closed beyond just Thursday, this maybe an issue.</p>

<p>Sniner: Have your daughter walk to PUBLIX or take Crimson Ride over and stock up on groceries. With her roommates all gone there should be plenty of room in fridge /freezer, if she has a lot of groceries call a local cab for a ride back to dorm (about $5)… well worth it. Her food will stay cold so no worries there.</p>

<p>Have her ask around among her friends who are staying if they would like to do a group dinner, everyone can cook together in one of the communal kitchens.</p>

<p>There will also be food on the Quad, the day of the game. I haven’t heard of any of “our” kids going hungry because the dining rooms were closed :)</p>

<p>^^^The Crimson Ride does pick up near Publix. D1 goes there at least 2x/week & walks back with 12 packs of soda, so it’s doable even if she buys “a lot.” </p>

<p>I’d also suggest having her check in with her RA to see if there are any Thanksgiving activities planned.</p>

<p>Since the Iron Bowl is at home this year, a lot of students will be back on campus Friday night/Saturday morning.</p>

<p>Thanks wvaccupuncture for the suggestion</p>

<p>…also, please accept my apologies for jumping in like that and diverting from the primary point of the thread. I guess I got a little excited about the trip (we leave in about an hour) and you guys seem so knowledgeable about the area.</p>

<p>Dreamland - the original or the one in Northport.</p>

<p>My ds is planning to prepare thanksgiving meal in the dorm. He is in riverside and looking for a kitchen with a good oven. It will be 3 of them; I hope he meets up with some others then (he can be shy). He makes a good corn pudding for holidays.</p>

<p>Dining hall hours for the Thanksgiving Holiday are posted: [Bama</a> Dining - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Bama”></p>

<p>There is a link on the page to make reservations for the Thanksgiving meal.</p>

<p>DS is coming home for Thanksgiving (Memphis) but will head back to campus on Friday night. He has MDB rehearsal on Saturday morning for the Iron Bowl. With that said, if anybody needs a “home” for Thanksgiving, send them with him. We will have more food than we could possibly eat and would love to share the holiday with one of our "Bama kids that lives too far from home! PM me if you are interested. Would love to have you or yours!</p>

<p>Froshmama- what a kind, kind offer. I would take you up on it in a heartbeat but DD would kill me :-)</p>

<p>^ I keep waiting to read about the first CC couple, brought together by their posting parents. This could be it!! :)</p>

<p>^ Wouldn’t that be sweet. :slight_smile: Slightly OT but my son is starting to feel left out now that all his roommates have girlfriends…maybe we need a matchmaking board here. (kidding…or am I?)</p>

<p>Thanks for the link. I am a little confused though, it says brunch + a snack bag on Thursday 12-3, then make reservations for Thanksgiving dinner on Thurs12-3. Maybe Turkey brunch?</p>

<p>Hadn’t thought about the girlfriend angle, LOL. Oh, would I be in trouble there. Sounds underhanded, but it just might work! :-)</p>

<p>I’m not finding a link on that page for the Thanksgiving meal. My S is very stubborn and won’t go to dinner with my CC friends. He will probably be all alone again.</p>