<p>I wanted to apply to Harvey Mudd. You know, where the mid 50% on math II si a 750-800. ■■■</p>
<p>The admissions officer at my interview said I should apply even with a not so great SAT II score, since they don’t base admission on one test… but they were probably thinking bad as in a 650. Yeah… I FAIL!</p>
<p>I want to cancel… but at the same time I want to know how i did lol. I mayyy have gotten 680-750 on the Math actually…</p>
<p>the first 35 i felt confident on. say the last 15 i guessed on were all wrong (I’m sure SOME were C). that would be -4. a 31 raw is equal to a 680 apparently. At least thats what Spark Notes says.</p>
<p>^because probability shows it will increase my score.</p>
<p>for math, say i got all 15 wrong that’s a -4 on my raw. say I got 3/15 right. (since you have a 1/5 chance of getting it right) that would be +3, - 3. No loss. Say there happened to be 4 of those 15 that were C. My score would be increased by my guessing.</p>
<p>Also its HARVEY MUDD, the prestigious yet small engineering school in Claremont, CA. Not Harvard.</p>
<p>@ yankeedoodle If you think you can improve and your scores will hurt you, you should cancel. </p>
<p>does that mean that you should cancel the scores if you know you can improve? Like colleges wouldn’t like seeing a 600 go to like an 800? Cuz I think i did not so well… Maybe 600-700 ish so yea. thanks</p>
<p>For the Math II, I wouldn’t worry too much. I ran out of time for the last 7 or 8 questions and still got 800. Providing everything you managed to answer, you answered correctly, you’d still be in the 750+ area.
But no guarantees. Just saying :)</p>
<p>EDIT: Oops, sorry just read that you guessed the last 15 questions :S That might cost you some points… but either way, you can still redo the SATs.</p>
<p>Blackrose: If you don’t need those scores for your ED school, and if you just took the test you can cancel them. The only thing is you will never know how you scored if you did.</p>
<p>Don’t cancel. Colleges won’t know your SAT II score if you don’t choose to send them. THIS APPLIES TO SCHOOLS THAT DO NOT SUPPORT SCORE CHOICE. That restriction is only for Reasoning Test scores. On CB, when you try to uncheck a reasoning test score for a school that does not support score choice, a warning pops up, but there is no warning when you try to deselect a subject test.</p>
<p>Im a junior and let’s say I send in all my SAT scores to a college right now. Now let’s say I take the SAT 2 more times in the coming months after I send in my scores. Will the college know I have taken it to two extra times when they evaluate my application next year? Or will they only see the scores that I sent this year?</p>
<p>Seriously? You didn’t have time to finish Math II??? I thought Math II was super easy. It was way way easier than the practice tests on PR and Barron’s, and I heard it was easier than previous Math II’s so the curve is probably gonna be brutal. Still, I think everybody in my room finished his/her math on time, and we’re from NORTH DAKOTA! The only challenging problem for me is the last one where you have to use the three-sigma rule, I think the answer is 99 percentile.</p>
<p>It was over 99th percentile, but umm…yeah. (I mean…it was only like 5 StrDev…)</p>
<p>You said that you felt confident on your first 35 so I’m not going to talk about those. Previous curves have dictated that missing about…12 can still give you a 700. And you said you guessed on the last 15 (all C). As you said, some are bound to be C. That being said, I think you’ll still be able to get a 650+. But then again, it’s all up to you as to whether you want to cancel your scores or not. You do, however, have the choice to NOT send your scores to your colleges.</p>