Hello, I am an international applicant. I am in the 8th grade, my English is not so good but I am trying to improve it as I am studying for 4 months at a middle school in US. I would like to submit to Thatcher but they request SSAT; I tried to see what this test is about and my English doesn’t allow me to take it but my math is strong. Does anyone know if could Thatcher waive this test ? Thank you!
You should speak to your interviewer about your specific request.
My more generic advice (so unofficial!) would be to take the SSAT to demonstrate your math competence. Any school, even ones with ELL programs, is going to want a sense of your ability to read and write English to be sure that they can serve you well.
If a school says they want it then it’s important. Also as an international student shouldn’t you be taking a TOFEL or whatever it is? I’d work on that more than the SSAT. Good luck!
Thank you very much. I shall do.
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And thank you too. I definitely shall take the SSAT and DUOLIGUO.
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