<p>So i got accepted into penn state up. My dad paid for the $300 deposit immediately, thinking that if he doesn't pay soon enough there won't be any space left for me(silly him). but now i'm starting to wonder, if i get accepted into Cornell or something and want to go there,can i?is that 300$ a binding thing of some sort?am i forced to go to penn state up once i paid the 300$?</p>
<p>No. But if you change your mind and choose not to enroll, you will lose that money.</p>
<p>Ah thanks, losing the 300$ isn’t that big of a deal compared to binding admission hehe</p>
<p>I don’t know if things have changed but, from what I remember from three years ago, part of the $300 would be refunded.</p>
I can confirm this for two years ago. I believe $200 or $100 was refundable. I can’t remember which one.</p>
<p>Is there any advantage to paying an admission deposit early? Son was accepted too, but is still looking at a number of other schools. But, don’t want to be shut out of any good housing…</p>
<p>I have the same question as Jolynne-dd is waiting for a couple of April 1 notifications-should we send the deposit now? What is the worst case scenario if we wait??
<p>It has been said here that the longer you wait to deposit, the less likely you are to get your first choice of housing and may end up in supplemental housing with 3 or more to a room. So, last year when S1 was accepted in December, he was positive he wanted to go to PSU, we paid our deposit in December. He wanted to get into South and did. Actually he got a nice, quieter room on the inside, 2nd floor, not the street/Hooters side or basement. </p>
<p>This year, S2 was accepted in December and there was a possibility he would attend, so we sent the deposit in for him in December. However, he may not go, depending on his other acceptences that will not come in until late March, early April. So, I may have first hand experience to report back on with S2 and the deposit. </p>
<p>My suggestion is if there is any possibility your S or D will attend PSU, and you can afford to possibly lose $200 or $300, you may want to send your deposit in ASAP. Just FYI, UMD is a $400 (we are waiting to send that one in).</p>
<p>When regular housing is filled students are assigned to supplemental housing. The rooms are not standard dorm rooms and, I believe, hold between four and eight students. As regular housing is available students are reassigned in the order their acceptance fees were received.</p>
<p>hi - what about the honors housing if S is accepted to SHC? If we wait to see other acceptances, can he still be in the honors dorm if we wait to send in the deposit?</p>
<p>By the way, living in Atherton (honors or not) is $25 extra for the computer lab.</p>
<p>If your son gets into the SHC then he is GUARANTEED housing in the honors dorms for all 4-years. So, if he is definiteley going to STATE then I suggest putting a deposit down now and just requesting a general dorm. When he gets into the SHC you can log back on and change the preferences to indicate honors housing. I think you have till like May to change those preferences. </p>
<p>And yes, we get access to numerous study loungs (at least 2 per floor + the zombie lounge), a nice comp lab in our building, and insulated music rooms. So they tack on an extra $25.</p>
<p>For that 4 year housing guarantee, do you have to live in the honors housing or can you live anywhere on campus?</p>
I think anywhere, but I’m not too sure.</p>
<p>the 4-year housing guarantee is just for honors housing. If you deny your contract to honors SLO you have to request one for somewhere else (not guaranteed that you will get one though). Also, once you move out of honors housing, you are not guaranteed a contract back in.</p>
<p>My son was accepted to Penn State, which is his 2nd choice. He is waiting to hear from his first choice school. Because he may not hear for a couple of weeks yet, does anyone recommend that he accept and put down the $300 deposit to make sure he gets his first choice of housing?</p>
<p>Don’t bother. Freshmen are guaranteed housing, and, if your son has a location preference, he’s not likely to get it anyway. Regardless of whether you had your housing application in in November or you got it in in May, chances are you’re gonna be in east halls. 2/3 of freshmen are in east halls. However, if you don’t mind spending a few hundred dollars and your son is really set on a certain dorm location, then go for it. Otherwise, I’d just wait.</p>
<p>UPDATE - On the same day, 3/11, PSU told us S2 would not be getting his $300 deposit back, he got a letter from University of Maryland informing him of being awarded a Dean’s Scholarship - $4,500 for the 1st 2 years. Karma?</p>
<p>might be OT- but can you tell me if your son w/scholarship took SAT IIs? DS friend got into Maryland, great grades, strong SAT but she didn’t take any SAT II cause it wasn’t required. Now I see many getting scholarships but not her. Think that was the reason? thanks</p>
<p>my friend’s son sent his deposit later and he ended up in the supplemental housing - 8 boys to a room - it certainly lacked privacy. As dorm rooms open up due to transfers, etc. you have the option of moving into them. He now has 6 in his room instead of 8. So if you don’t feel comfortable with that and can afford to part with the $300 should you decide to attend elsewhere I would put the deposit down now. My friend’s son has not minded the living situation - but he’s pretty easy going.</p>