<p>Uganda might be rightously left.</p>
<p>A R M C P</p>
<p>Uganda might be rightously left.</p>
<p>A R M C P</p>
<p>Aristocracy ruined many circus puppies!</p>
<p>S U N W T</p>
<p>Several ugly nuns went toboganning.</p>
<p>S W E E T</p>
<p>Several white egrets elevated Theodore.</p>
<p>A N I Z A</p>
<p>I am zippily nipping away.</p>
<p>d F G M D</p>
<p>Zach inticed Anita near Australia.</p>
<p>W X Z Q U</p>
<p>^WRONG!!!!!! Entice begins with an E.</p>
<p>Xylophones were queens under zebras.</p>
<p>Y U I O P</p>
<p>you use idiotic octupus prongs</p>
<p>L E R I Z</p>
<p>Lizards excrete rambunctious indigo zealots.</p>
<p>Baby iguanas brought big dogs.</p>
<p>C H A L L</p>
<p>Charismatic hypnotists attack latent lepers.</p>
<p>R I X H I</p>
<p>Xena roared inside Hercules's instroment.</p>
<p>A C I D S</p>
<p>Amylase considers intergalactic dimensions salutary.</p>
<p>Eugene utilized great big yuccas.</p>
<p>U Y Z X D</p>
<p>Ugly yeomen zip Xavier's drawers.</p>
<p>Evil toads never eat fish.</p>
<p>Ryan Hates Eating Fresh Clams</p>
<p>C L O U D</p>
<p>Crawfish love old ugly dudes.</p>
<p>T P B M U</p>
<p>The poster below me understands.</p>
<p>F U C K U</p>
<p>Under cover kangaroo from uganda</p>
<p>G R E E N</p>