<p>Robert Enticed Susan over Hills</p>
<p>E C H O X</p>
<p>Robert Enticed Susan over Hills</p>
<p>E C H O X</p>
<p>Xanthippes Hit Every Other Curb</p>
<p>J U Y T E</p>
<p>Just Use Yields To Escape</p>
<p>S S S Y M</p>
<p>Super Sleepy Students Yawn Mercilessly</p>
<p>H I P P O</p>
<p>Party Prevented In Hollywood Oasis</p>
<p>A L L I E</p>
<p>HIPPO = please help! i'm outrageously pathetic</p>
<p>HIPPO= I Hate Old Potato Peels</p>
<p>ALLIE= Lemurs And Leopards Eat Icicles</p>
<p>A P B I O ...........</p>
<p>Open boxes are incredulously Peculiar</p>
<p>Y Y G F G</p>
<p>Leprechauns Wear Florid Pink Earrings</p>
<p>I H A C S .</p>
<p>Is Spooch Coming Home Afterall? (not that I really care) LOL j/k</p>
<p>Q E C V Y</p>
<p>I feel the love, man...</p>
<p>Crabby Youngsters Eat Violet Quesadillas</p>
<p>A D G J L</p>
<p>All Dogs Get Jet Lag</p>
<p>A B C D E</p>
<p>Actresses Eat Dry Crabs Badly</p>
<p>P P P P P</p>
<p>Pruny Preppy Pengiuns Peel Papayas (???can papayas be peeled???)</p>
<p>W R Y I P</p>
<p>"(???can papayas be peeled???)"</p>
<p>Was wondering the same thing^</p>
<p>Warren Ran Past Irish Yasmin</p>
<p>D L T D L</p>
<p>Little Lollipops Dangerously Dance Tango</p>
<p>J J O E D</p>
<p>Devils Envelop Juicy Orange Jellybeans</p>
<p>Z C B M R</p>
<p>Zombies Can Really Bore Me</p>
<p>I I I I I</p>