The Acceptance Letter

<p>Does anybody know what the acceptance letter from Lehigh looks like?</p>

<p>i heard it comes in a big envelope that says “congratulations” on it =]</p>

<p>Check out the acceptance threads from last year…there is a way to figure out if you are accepted prior to the letter unless Lehigh admissions figured it out…has something to do with an e-mail address created on Lehigh’s computer system for those who had been admitted…worked for us and others…</p>

<p>thanks guys</p>

<p>No. The previous posts are not correct, unless they changed it from last year. The acceptance letter that I received for (ED 1) comes in a small business envelope. If it’s thick you know you’re in if it’s not then you’re most likely rejected.</p>

<p>my acceptance for ED came in a small envelope last year too. good luck!</p>

<p>My daughter’s ED acceptance came in a small envelope.</p>

<p>She had bought a Lehigh sticker for her car on an earlier visit and was saving it, waiting to hear from Lehigh. When the acceptance letter came, I could see the “Congratulations” message through the envelope. I went to the school, put the sticker on her car, and left the letter on the front seat. That way she could share her joy with her friends.</p>

<p>For the people who were successful in finding out thier acceptances via the email address search on the Lehigh website-- how long did it take (after you sent in your app)for it to work?</p>

<p>My son applied regular decision last year. We found out about 1 week before the acceptance letters came out about the email address search (which did work).
His acceptance letter for regular decision came in a large envelope with “Congratulations” written on the outside on the envelope.</p>

<p>Wait, so what exactly is this e-mail glitch? It lets you find out early? How is it done?</p>

<p>so when exactly does the acceptance letter come?</p>

<p>davidthegoose,I forget the link for the email glitch. You can find it here on this forum from last year…or maybe someone else remembers it. It basically has to do with looking up and seeing if you have an email address set up at Lehigh. If you do, you would have been admitted. I am not sure if it worked with ED applicants. It did with the RD group.</p>

<p>I see. Well, I guess I’d rather just wait to get the actual letter. I’ve never been so anxious in my life.</p>

<p>It also worked with the ED group last year…search the website for a student directory…it should work about a week prior to decisions being released…good luck to all!</p>

<p>rodney, the email search thing worked even for ED applicants?</p>

<p>When do most people for ED 1 actually start hearing?</p>