The annual boarding school dirty laundry thread

Wow. Apparently the bar is set rather low for boys and cleanliness.

had to google Birkin bag too :slight_smile:
Since I’m not into cars, rather than Maybach, I can say there goes my Hermès Birkin bag - off to BS bank.
I was going to send white towels but may be gray or charcoal color may be better if they are not going to get washed.

Bright orange is perfect for unwashed towels. :slight_smile:

I can promise you that BS girls do talk about how stinky certain BS boys can be, so good hygiene is recommended. :slight_smile:

The bar is VERY low. I would settle for the dirty laundry simply making it into the E&R bag, than finding it scattered on the floor.

Oh yes, my DS has the same struggles. I visited him last weekend and he said that he had run out of clean clothes. I offered to pop some into the laundry while we were there, but he wasn’t interested. I’m not looking forward to dealing with all the stink when I pick him up on Friday! The good thing is that it will just all go directly into the basement for laundering. It shouldn’t affect the house much.

Sometimes it’s best to just have them burn everything before they come home and start fresh.

I am in the “burn it” camp!

I’m relieved to know that, towels notwithstanding, my kid is apparently not too bad. He showers, he seems to have washed and cared for his clothes pretty well, and it turns out that he even washed his sheets occasionally. However, his roommate was a slob - I’m a little worried that we will be charged for damage he did to my son’s half of the room - and my son actually chose next year’s roommate with cleanliness in mind.

I just hope DS doesn’t treat BS like a weeklong scout camp where he goes, sleeps in, comes home in the same clothing, and don’t even take along the toothbrush, soap and towel as they won’t be used.
I did have to throw away muddy, crusted socks after the campout but washed and saved the clothing.

OMG @payn4ward , my son and I are both NYLT staff, and that means a week and a half long camp out in the July heat. I cringe when I see him in knee socks about Wednesday, because I know he only has one pair, and he also wore them Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. So gross. On the BS side, when he was filling out his roommate questionnaire, he pick his style as “creatively disorganized.” After reading this, I’m scared…

That’s what the G&T’s are for.

Or, while the warm weather lasts, sangria :wink:

@girlgeekmom I’ll be spending a week at a scout summer camp in July. (Note to self: need to see doctor for sanity check.) My allergies will protect me from the smell. Wish me luck as I cannot take alcohol with me. :open_mouth:

Oh, that is scary. I remember the last time GG did a scout-type camp. They had a family picnic in the lodge at the end. It STANK like middle-school and teenage boys (and some girls).

I meant to tag @gusmom2000 :slight_smile: the thought must have been bad enough. :open_mouth:

@TheStig2 Cate uses card operated washing machines in designated laundry rooms in each dorm.

We signed up for year 3 of E&R. Been happy so far. Except that they charged $33 for a blanket. So he no longer sends blankets out. Sheets are fine.

I believe this was a self-defense move at Choate:

Now, getting said students to actually use the bag is another story.

I have always been a little peeved that the NMH laundry fee is mandatory (and steep!) but this thread makes me feel much much better. The dorm washers and dryers are free (no annoying quarters like back in my day) and my type A daughter can separate socks from undies till the cows come home… the cows are just around the corner from her dorm so it could happen. p.s. yes the girls notice which boys are stinky - Axe is not a cure all. X_X