The annual boarding school dirty laundry thread

Watch The Godfather again.

I was thinking that, ChoatieMom… But you were brave enough to say it! :wink:

DD is headed to Cate in the fall - I don’t think they have an outsourced laundry service. I never thought to even ask about that!

Emma Willard has a large laundry room in the basement of one of the buildings. Girls supply their own detergent and such, but the laundromat, such as it is, is covered in their tuition. I seem to recall that, even in the old days (and the school is 200 years old), all girls were expected to do their own laundry, because Mme. Willard considered it a valuable life skill, even if many of those girls would likely never do their own laundry once they were running households. I’ve always liked that.

Until joining CC, I assumed that every kid knows how to do laundry. I learned in third grade, and I’ve been doing (at least) mine and my mom’s ever since.

I found out yesterday that my son didn’t wash his towels all year. I didn’t ask about the sheets.

But why would twinsSon need to wash his towels? He only uses them when he’s clean, right? :wink:

@twinsmama I’m guessing not.

@GMTplus7 I know (I hope) you’re kidding, but you’re assuming twinS only uses towels for post-showers.

Of COURSE I’m kidding!

But I do have a Canadian expat colleague w a good sheets story. The children spent all of their lives living overseas where the family had a driver, maid, cook, etc., etc. The oldest son repatriated to Canada to go to college. The parents went to pick him up a the end of the school year. When they walked into son’s dorm room, the stink nearly knocked them off their feet. Son hadn’t washed his sheets the entire school year. He just wasn’t aware that it was something to be done. The mom consoled herself knowing no girl had ever slept in that bed.

Mom is aware that the girl has a bed, right?

Your son must have an amazing immune system— maybe he discovered the cure to the boarding school cough!!

@GMTplus7, that was, of course, his rationale, along with, “I’d have to waste a whole load just on towels!”

You wash towels separately?

@skieurope, I do, actually. And my son’s towels are bright orange, so it’s probably best that he had that thought…

@twinsmama In this case, I don’t think best is the right word. :wink:


I highly recommend u wash brand new red towels with your white button down shirts. The abrasion of the shirt buttons against the towels will fluff up the nap of the towel and improve their color brightness.

Still laughing about that, @GMTplus7 — I am not always the tidiest person, but I am known to be compulsive about laundry. When my 20-something friends and I would go out drinking after work (a very, very long time ago). they would entertain themselves by giving me “laundry quizzes” (the only way this worked as entertainment was the alcohol).

@GMTplus7 I do know how to separate colors, thank you very much :slight_smile:

While I do, in fact, wash towels separately at home, my point, which was admittedly unclear, was that I do not have enough towels at school which would make a separate load cost effective. Also, supposedly one shouldn’t use fabric softener on towels, but since my mom opted for a Birkin bag over luxury towels for her kids, I’m not really worried about them losing their absorbancy before they go threadbare.

I had to Google Birkin bag. :slight_smile:

Son’s towels are from JC Penney and thus should last at least through college. Especially if they’re only washed once a year.

Washed once a year is better than only used once a year.