The application & internationals..

<p>So, I just found out that the UC application actually REQUIRES me to self-report my grades; the thing is, I really don't have the grades (and so can't enter them)...</p>

<p>Is there any way I can just skip this and have the school send the official thing? It would be difficult for me to even get my grades, let alone enter them all...</p>

<p>Also, the application requires 1 year of VPA; the problem is my school doesn't offer anything of the sort beyond the 8th grade. Should I just give up on the application or e-mail them?</p>

<p>why can’t you report you grades? can’t you ask for the school report from your high school’s administrator?</p>

<p>I think I could, but the administration is a little difficult to go through (it took me a full week last time I wanted to check something official). I’m going to try that tomorrow actually, but I was just curious if it was possible to work around it somehow =P.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure A-G doesn’t apply to internationals (re: the VPA thing).</p>