<p>If I intend on going into the securities industry, either in private wealth management, or institutional sales and trading or what have you, what do you suppose is the best non-quanitative minor to compliment a major in finance or economics? </p>
<p>I was thinking communications. What do you guys think?</p>
<p>Indeed, nobody cares about your minor. Even your major is less important than most people on these boards think it is. The two most important things are where you were educated, and how well you did there -- both inside and outside the classroom.</p>
<p>Actually, people will care about your degree, but not to extent that an economics degree with trump a finance degree or business will trump an international business. The "care" probably comes more in the form of BS vs. BA, engineering vs. humanities vs. math, etc...</p>
<p>IXjunti, I said "minor", not communications "major".</p>
<p>JM, by specifying that I was looking for something non-quanitative, I meant that I wished to avoid something with a lot of numbers/math like accounting to supplement a finance or econ major. </p>
<p>You see folks, I ahve a bit of a dillema. I'm not exactly a huge fan of math, and it's by far my weakest subject, whereas I love liberal arts/social science subjects like history, linguistics, modern languages, economics, political science, cultural anthropology, english, etc. But my career interests have nothing to do with such subjects. I want a practical, career-oriented degree being that I'm paying my way through college and I don't want to waste my time and expenses on a worthless degree. </p>
<p>So I've narrowed my choices down to a major in finance or econ, and I'm looking for a minor to supplement my major. I'm searching for something that will enhance my performance on the job once I'm started in my career. I want to learn practical skills which I can apply on the job. So, I thought the most applicable major for a future stock broker or institutional salesmen or trader would be finance, as the courses are directly concerned with what you I will be doing on the job, and communications studies will improve my interpersonal communication skills, make me a better communicator, and perhaps, a more intuitive salesman. </p>
<p>But I also love econ, and though it's just as good as a finance major for landing a job, it's also less career-specific for someone like me. I love the theoretical aspects of econ, but I hate all the math involved. If I don't like advanced mathematics, should I opt for finance instead, since the only math you need is applied calc?</p>
<p>In that case I would suggest psychology, that coupled with finance could lead to a lot of different paths and help in many different ways. Whether dealing with individuals or entire markets, their behavior is all determined by psychology... or behaviorial science.</p>
<p>One of the better managers here has a MS in psychology and a BS in Chemical Engineering... really helps</p>
<p>If you want skills for your job, why do you think a minor is going to give you that? You would learn far more by taking on demanding roles in the real world (or at least in the student world), than you could ever learn by sitting in a room listening to someone speak, or reading about how someone thinks people think.</p>
<p>That's why the person with part-time sales experience and/or high quality leadership experience is far more attractive to employers than a psych minor who hasn't had to deal with the ways in which people <em>actually</em> work (all else being equal).</p>
<p><<<<If you want skills for your job, why do you think a minor is going to give you that? You would learn far more by taking on demanding roles in the real world (or at least in the student world), than you could ever learn by sitting in a room listening to someone speak, or reading about how someone thinks people think.</p>
<p>That's why the person with part-time sales experience and/or high quality leadership experience is far more attractive to employers than a psych minor who hasn't had to deal with the ways in which people <em>actually</em> work (all else being equal).>>>></p>
<p>I do work part-time. I have an internship at Edward Jones, and I'm going to be working at Starbucks pretty soon, and in the near future, I would like to work at the bank. But you fail to understand what I'm saying. I don't care what the "employers" think so much as what will help <em>ME</em> in my career, what will make me a more proficient worker in my field. I also want to study something that I really enjoy, other than just a bunch of numbers.</p>
<p>" I love the theoretical aspects of econ, but I hate all the math involved. If I don't like advanced mathematics, should I opt for finance instead, since the only math you need is applied calc?"</p>
<p>Assuming your disposition towards mathematics would never change, I would go into Finance. At most schools you'll be expected to take more math in economics than you would in finance.</p>
<p>Well, what I'm wondering myself is if the grueling challenge of math as part of econ studies is worth doing something I love. I would like to study a more "intellectual" subject while in school, like econ, and not just finance. Studying finance almost seems like something you would study at a trade school.</p>
<p>Math doesn't always have to be grueling. It would simply take more time to "read" than a text. The biggest thing is devoting time to it, to have things make sense. I believe at a number of schools you go up to multivariate calculus for your math requirements (for some schools you need Linear Algebra, at a few you might only have to take Calc I). That means you'll have to take two to three math courses (unless you place out of Calculus BC, and assuming you don't have to take Calculus AB).</p>
<p>Marketing because it requires conceptual thinking. Granted there is some number crunching involved, but it is minimal. MIS because everything nowadays is systems based and you'll develop much needed computer skills.</p>
<p>Finance/Marketing or Finance/MIS you can't go wrong.</p>
<p>However, if I were to be, say, a personal financial advisor (retail stockbroker),
it wouldn't really matter what I studied, so long as I had some sort of degree to point to, although I would want to study something that had some relevance toward my line of work. I might end up being a broker, but I would like to keep all my options open within the financial industry, so some sort of biz degree is a must. That leaves biz admin, econ, finance, marketing, accounting, etc. Of the preceding examples, I'm most inclined toward economics and finance. But, even though econ helps in landing a job, does it actually prepare you for the real world in finance or business, anymore than a liberal arts degree does? I mean, how much does all that in-depth theoretical bologna actually help in the real world of business? Sure, you can read and understand the statements of the President's Council of Economic Advisors a hell of a lot better, but how often is that necessary, as opposed to real-world, on the job experience? Should I not care, and just study whatever interests me, so long as it is somewhat applicable to my career goals? </p>
<p>Y hay algunos latinos aqui, o soy el unico?</p>
<p>and if you're not great at math, i don't see how you would ever consider majoring in economics. its math math math math math. the introductory micro class at my school integrates calculus into it (nothing like AP micro). before i came here, my no-name school (if you don't live in ny that is) required calculus i, ii, ii, and linear algebra as requirements for the economics major. just thought you should know.</p>
<p>oh and if you're sticking to finance, i would do something like international business to complement it, if you still want to stay in that realm. or, political science, history, fine arts is also appreciated by employers.</p>
...Marketing because it requires conceptual thinking. Granted there is some number crunching involved, but it is minimal...
this really depends on where you go to college. after you graduate, this may not be the case with your employer. but at some colleges math is very much incorporated into the marketing curriculum.</p>