The best plan is...

<p>Go to one of the top six UC's and major in's the best bang for your buck! ...then complete an MBA at a top University (Columbia, Stanford, Berkeley, etc..)</p>

<p>Most of the wealthy people I know pretty much did the above and most are making 200k plus!!</p>

<p>What fields are these people in??</p>

<p>this thread is a complete waste of space</p>

<p>i agree with girlyshout.</p>

<p>or transfer to calstate and major in engineering. start your own business after some experience. Make millions of dollars. Laugh at the econ and mba majors for thinking they have to major in econ/business to get ahead in the game.</p>

<p>Well, I am actually majoring in econ because I enjoy it. I was a engineering major, but I really don’t like to get my hands dirty (literally speaking). I know many people who went the engineering route and make tons. It really doesn’t matter what you do, whether you do econ or engineering. It depends on the person. It is laughable that you think just because you major in something and do an MBA that you’ll make it rich. It is called hard work, being smart, and getting “lucky.”</p>

<p>A better plan would have been to simply aim for the top two UC’s, major in whatever you want, shoot for an ivy post grad, and ride the school name right into the job market. Get those connections though. .</p>

<p>1) Go to Berkley or Stanford.</p>

<p>2) Make friends with every single nerd at the school</p>

<p>3) Become co-founder to Silicon Valley startup</p>

<p>4) $$$</p>

<p>At some point you also need to buy a garage.</p>

<p>Man I really messed up big time then. I passed on the chance to go to UCB as an Econ major (4.0 gpa, veteran, great ECs) to instead study electrical engineering at UCSD. My life is over.</p>

<p>No your life is not over. Your life is just different. Graduating from UCB as an econ major leads you down one road, and graduating from UCSD in engineering leads you down another. I personally would have went econ at UCB</p>

<p>the best plan is to drop out and have as much fun as possible, every and any road you take, eventaully leads u to death, so f-uck it right??</p>


<p>did you apply to Berkeley? If not, that was a bold mistake :)</p>

<p>Here is the best plan:</p>

<p>1) start a ponzi scheme
2) ???

<p>edit: Being Jewish is a +</p>

<p>Just buy a lottery ticket. For only $1, you can become a multimillionaire. VERY good investment imo.</p>

<p>Buying lotto tickets = worst financial investment. However, try telling that do someone who one a multimillion dollar jackpot. I rather just keep my $10 dollars a week for something else.</p>

<p>HEY OP SHHH…we don’t want too many people to know.</p>

<p>I did not apply to UCB because I do not have all the pre-reqs done for engineering yet. I changed my mind on major about a month before applications were due. I’ll be fine. Plus, I’ll have a better chance to do research at UCSD because I will be there for about three years. In the end, no matter how much you prestige who$%s will disagree, the name on the degree only gets you so far, you still have to prove yourself. </p>

<p>Also, I know engineers from schools barely in the top 100 (as per USNWR) that are already making six figures after only 4 years. Econ is a great path, but I believe engineering affords a greater opportunity to higher paying jobs.</p>

<p>econ + bioengineering ftw!</p>

<p>i would think that econ provides more oppurtunities for high paying jobs than engineering. I would say that engineering is more stable, and econ is more risky but econ could possibly pay off big time.</p>

<p>Psss Best Plan:</p>

<p>1) Steal Underpants.</p>


<p>3) Profit!</p>