the big list of acceptances

<p>I received my official acceptance letter today to Miami for BFA the "?" can be erased.</p>

<p>Done, next time, wonderful news for you BrendanN :)</p>

<p>My son received an acceptance letter today from Syracuse for acting.</p>

<p>Congrats to all the new acceptances! How exciting. I can't believe how many people from CC got into Miami and Syracuse. We must have "the cream of the crop" on here!!!!!</p>

<p>I'm proud of all these CCer's! I don't have a child going through college admissions this year (whew) but feel like all the kids on here are ones whom I have followed and have been wishing and hoping that their dreams for next year came through. So many have such great places to go and exciting times ahead. You've done real good and it is not even April 1 !</p>

<p>Congrats sonsdad, another beauty!</p>

<p>Fall 2006 Acceptances </p>

<p>Abparent's S - Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre), Elon (MT), Montclair (MT)
ActorsDad's S - CCM (Drama) Final, Evansville (Drama), UMich (Acting)
anothermomwithquestion's D- Marietta (BFA), Muhlenberg, Ohio Northern (MT)
BBoyd3188 - Otterbein (BA Voice)
bearcaaat - PPU
be<em>a</em>star OCU(Drama), UCI
BrendanN - Syr, Ithaca (MT), Muhlenburg, UMiami (BFA MT)
broadwaycorey - PPark (MT), BW, Otterbein (BM)
broadwaywannabe - UArts
chrisnoo- NYU CAP 21 (Final)
cindy013- Fordham, SUNY Buffalo- BA Theater, SUNY Oswego- Theater, Nazareth College- Theater, SUNY Geneseo- Theater
clairesellers - MMC (Production/Mgmt) Final
deegee - NYU CAP 21 Final
drama8king8 - PPU
drum87- Cal State Fullerton, Chapman U (Drama)
falloffstage - PPU, Millikin, Northern Kentucky University, BW
Ginaomibdwy - OCU (MT), UMiami (BM-Voice)
Grateful Dad's D - Wagner, Indiana
gustof777 - UARTS (Final)
Icebear411 - Syracuse (Acting)
ilbamom's D - SMU (theatre studies BFA
illinisue's D - Otterbein (BAThea)
imazoo - ELON (MT), UMich (MT), Ithaca (MT)
iNaSpotlight-Shenadoah Conservatory
jakebridges03 - CCM (MT)
Janenw's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jashner's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jbrown's S - LIPA (acting), SMU (acting), Evansville (acting), DePaul (Acting)
Jordansmom D - OCU (MT) - Final, Indiana University
kegosnell - PPU (MT), OCU (MT)
Kellster - College of Charleston
Lexismom's D - OCU (drama, BA in music), Cal State Fullerton (drama), UAz (MT), Syr (MT), Elon (MT)
Lisa77's S - UCF (MT), U of Miami (MT)
Lizbennett's S - Shenandoah Cons.
LotteLenya - IndianaU(Bloomington)
lynnm's D - PPU - MT, MMC
magicboy68 - UFla (Acting BFA),DePaul
mamatw's D - Ithaca
mandemb's S - LIPA
MattSingsAlot - BoCo, CCM (MT) Final
mboi - Syr (MT)
Melsmom's D - PPU (jazz dance), Elon (Theatre BFA)
Mezzomom's D - Otterbein (Music)
Miabella - U of Miami (MT)
Michaelsmom's S - PPU (MT-final decision)
Millerp323 - PPU
MTaussie's S - Otterbein (MT), Illinois Wesleyan (MT)
mtmumzie's D - Syr (MT)
MTPapa's D- Shenandoah Cons.
MTpolk - OCU (drama, BA in music)
mutsey87 - Ithaca
NoccaDad's D - Elon (Final)
notfromme's D - Shenandoah Cons.
nyc<em>etoile - Tisch (Strasberg)
PRFRMR20 - Emerson (MT), UArts (MT), U of Miami (MT)
rel2743553 - New Mexico, UMich (acting)
Samia525 - PPU
sonsdad's S- CCM (MT), BW, CMU (Acting),

Syr (Acting)

srw's S - OCU (MT)
staceyga - CCM (Drama)
Stphen1187 - Syr (MT)
surfinpenguin44 - FSU (MT, BFA)
TheaterGuy- NYU Cap 21 Final
TheatreJock - PSU (MT), BW (MT), Coastal Carolina (BA MT)
TheatreNote - FSU (BM V)
Thesp33 - CCM (drama)
ThespianDreams - SUNY Potsdam, Indiana University
ToTheStage- U of Colorado (MT, BFA)
Vikki's-S- OCU (Drama & BM)
Weetziebat223- NYU CAP 21 Final

Acceptances (you are into the program) by school:

BoCo - MattSingsAlot
BW (BM-MT) - falloffstage, broadwaycorey, sonsdad's S, ARTYPOOH, TheatreJock
CAL STATE FULLERTON - Lexismom's D, Drum87
CCM(drama) - aspiringactress1, ActorsDad's S Final, staceyga
Chapman U , drum87, Thesp33
CCM (MT) - jakebridges03, WISCONSIN, sonsdad's S, MattSingsAlot (Final)
CMU (Acting) - sonsdad's S
Coastal Carolina (BA MT) - TheatreJock
DePaul (Acting) - jbrown's S, magicboy68
ELON (MT) - noccadad's d (Final), TheatreNote (theatre), lexismom's d, imazoo, Abparent's S
ELON (Theatre) - Melsmom's D
Emerson - PRFRMR20
Evansville (drama) - ActorsDad's S, aspiringactress1, jbrown's S
FSU MT (BFA) - surfinpenguin44
FSU BM (voice) -TheatreNote
Illinois Wesleyan (MT) - MTaussie's S
Indiana U (BA MT) - LotteLenya, Grateful Dad's D
Ithaca (MT)- mutsey87, BrendanN, mamatw's D, imazoo
LIPA (acting) - jbrown's S, mandemb's S
MMC (MT) - lynnm's D
MMC (Prod/Mgmt) - clairesellers (Final)
Marietta- anothermomwithquestions' D
Millikin- falloffstage
Montclair - Abparent's S
Muhlenburg - anothermom-w-q's D
Nazareth College(BA-Thea) - Cindy013
NYU/Tisch-Atlantic -
NYU/Tisch-CAP 21 – chrisnoo (Final), Janenw’s D (Final), TheaterGuy (Final), Weetziebat223 (Final), deegee (Final), jashner's d (Final)
NYU/Tisch-Meisner -
NYU/Tisch-Strasberg- nyc
etoile (Final)
OCU Drama - beastar, Lexismom's D, MTpolk, noccadad's d,TheatreNote, Vikkie's S
OCU MT - Jordansmom's D- Final, srw's S, kegosnell, Ginaomibdwy
Ohio Northern (MT) - anothermom-w-q's D
Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre) - Abparent's S
Otterbein (Music)- Mezzomom's D, broadwaycorey
Otterbein (BA Thea) - illinisue's D
Otterbein (BA Voice) - BBoyd3188
Otterbein (MT) - MTaussie's S
PPU - falloffstage, Melsmom’s D (jazz dance), Michaelsmom’s S (MT- final),bearcaaat, Samia525, broadwaycorey (MT), lynnm's D (MT), kegosnell (MT), drama8king8, Millerp323
PSU (MT) - TheatreJock
Shenadoah Conservatory - iNaSpotlight(MT), Lizbennett's S, MTPapa's D, notfromme's D
SMU (acting) - jbrown's S, ilbamom's D
Syracuse (Acting) - Icebear411,

sonsdad's S

Syracuse (MT) - Stphen1187, Lexismom's D, BrendanN, mboi, mtmumzie's D
SUNY Buffalo (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
SUNY Geneseo (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
SUNY Oswego (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
UArts - broadwaywannabe, gustof777 (Final), PRFRMR20
UAz (MT) - lexismom's D
UCI - be<em>a</em>star
UCFla (MT) - Lisa77's S
U Co - tothestage (MT)
UFla (Acting BFA) - magicboy68
UMiami (BFA MT) - BrendanN, Lisa77's S, PRFRMR20, Miabella
UMiami (BM) - Ginaomibdwy
UMich (MT) - "WISCONSIN", imazoo
UMich (Acting) - rel2743553, actordad's S
Wagner - Grateful Dad's D</p>


<p>Abparent's S - Otterbein (MT)
ActorsDad's S - UMich (Accepted)
lexismom's d - Elon (Accepted)
Marianne406's D - Evansville
Melsmom's D - Elon (Accepted)
scogor's D - Elon
TheatreJock - Otterbein (MT)
Thesp33 - Julliard</p>

<p>I was accepted to Cornish College of the Arts' Acting Program</p>

<p>Sounds good actingreacting1 :) Congrats!</p>

<p>Fall 2006 Acceptances </p>

<p>Abparent's S - Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre), Elon (MT), Montclair (MT)

actingreacting1 - Cornish College of the Arts (Acting)

ActorsDad's S - CCM (Drama) Final, Evansville (Drama), UMich (Acting)
anothermomwithquestion's D- Marietta (BFA), Muhlenberg, Ohio Northern (MT)
BBoyd3188 - Otterbein (BA Voice)
bearcaaat - PPU
beastar OCU(Drama), UCI
BrendanN - Syr, Ithaca (MT), Muhlenburg, UMiami (BFA MT)
broadwaycorey - PPark (MT), BW, Otterbein (BM)
broadwaywannabe - UArts
chrisnoo- NYU CAP 21 (Final)
cindy013- Fordham, SUNY Buffalo- BA Theater, SUNY Oswego- Theater, Nazareth College- Theater, SUNY Geneseo- Theater
clairesellers - MMC (Production/Mgmt) Final
deegee - NYU CAP 21 Final
drama8king8 - PPU
drum87- Cal State Fullerton, Chapman U (Drama)
falloffstage - PPU, Millikin, Northern Kentucky University, BW
Ginaomibdwy - OCU (MT), UMiami (BM-Voice)
Grateful Dad's D - Wagner, Indiana
gustof777 - UARTS (Final)
Icebear411 - Syracuse (Acting)
ilbamom's D - SMU (theatre studies BFA
illinisue's D - Otterbein (BAThea)
imazoo - ELON (MT), UMich (MT), Ithaca (MT)
iNaSpotlight-Shenadoah Conservatory
jakebridges03 - CCM (MT)
Janenw's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jashner's D - NYU CAP 21 Final
jbrown's S - LIPA (acting), SMU (acting), Evansville (acting), DePaul (Acting)
Jordansmom D - OCU (MT) - Final, Indiana University
kegosnell - PPU (MT), OCU (MT)
Kellster - College of Charleston
Lexismom's D - OCU (drama, BA in music), Cal State Fullerton (drama), UAz (MT), Syr (MT), Elon (MT)
Lisa77's S - UCF (MT), U of Miami (MT)
Lizbennett's S - Shenandoah Cons.
LotteLenya - IndianaU(Bloomington)
lynnm's D - PPU - MT, MMC
magicboy68 - UFla (Acting BFA),DePaul
mamatw's D - Ithaca
mandemb's S - LIPA
MattSingsAlot - BoCo, CCM (MT) Final
mboi - Syr (MT)
Melsmom's D - PPU (jazz dance), Elon (Theatre BFA)
Mezzomom's D - Otterbein (Music)
Miabella - U of Miami (MT)
Michaelsmom's S - PPU (MT-final decision)
Millerp323 - PPU
MTaussie's S - Otterbein (MT), Illinois Wesleyan (MT)
mtmumzie's D - Syr (MT)
MTPapa's D- Shenandoah Cons.
MTpolk - OCU (drama, BA in music)
mutsey87 - Ithaca
NoccaDad's D - Elon (Final)
notfromme's D - Shenandoah Cons.
nycetoile - Tisch (Strasberg)
PRFRMR20 - Emerson (MT), UArts (MT), U of Miami (MT)
rel2743553 - New Mexico, UMich (acting)
Samia525 - PPU
sonsdad's S- CCM (MT), BW, CMU (Acting), Syr (Acting)
srw's S - OCU (MT)
ga - CCM (Drama)
Stphen1187 - Syr (MT)
surfinpenguin44 - FSU (MT, BFA)
TheaterGuy- NYU Cap 21 Final
TheatreJock - PSU (MT), BW (MT), Coastal Carolina (BA MT)
TheatreNote - FSU (BM V)
Thesp33 - CCM (drama)
ThespianDreams - SUNY Potsdam, Indiana University
ToTheStage- U of Colorado (MT, BFA)
Vikki's-S- OCU (Drama & BM)
Weetziebat223- NYU CAP 21 Final

Acceptances (you are into the program) by school:

BoCo - MattSingsAlot
BW (BM-MT) - falloffstage, broadwaycorey, sonsdad's S, ARTYPOOH, TheatreJock
CAL STATE FULLERTON - Lexismom's D, Drum87
CCM(drama) - aspiringactress1, ActorsDad's S Final, staceyga
Chapman U , drum87, Thesp33
CCM (MT) - jakebridges03, WISCONSIN, sonsdad's S, MattSingsAlot (Final)
CMU (Acting) - sonsdad's S
Coastal Carolina (BA MT) - TheatreJock

Cornish College of the Arts (Acting) - actingreacting1

DePaul (Acting) - jbrown's S, magicboy68
ELON (MT) - noccadad's d (Final), TheatreNote (theatre), lexismom's d, imazoo, Abparent's S
ELON (Theatre) - Melsmom's D
Emerson - PRFRMR20
Evansville (drama) - ActorsDad's S, aspiringactress1, jbrown's S
FSU MT (BFA) - surfinpenguin44
FSU BM (voice) -TheatreNote
Illinois Wesleyan (MT) - MTaussie's S
Indiana U (BA MT) - LotteLenya, Grateful Dad's D
Ithaca (MT)- mutsey87, BrendanN, mamatw's D, imazoo
LIPA (acting) - jbrown's S, mandemb's S
MMC (MT) - lynnm's D
MMC (Prod/Mgmt) - clairesellers (Final)
Marietta- anothermomwithquestions' D
Millikin- falloffstage
Montclair - Abparent's S
Muhlenburg - anothermom-w-q's D
Nazareth College(BA-Thea) - Cindy013
NYU/Tisch-Atlantic -
NYU/Tisch-CAP 21 – chrisnoo (Final), Janenw’s D (Final), TheaterGuy (Final), Weetziebat223 (Final), deegee (Final), jashner's d (Final)
NYU/Tisch-Meisner -
NYU/Tisch-Strasberg- nyc</em>etoile (Final)
OCU Drama - be<em>a</em>star, Lexismom's D, MTpolk, noccadad's d,TheatreNote, Vikkie's S
OCU MT - Jordansmom's D- Final, srw's S, kegosnell, Ginaomibdwy
Ohio Northern (MT) - anothermom-w-q's D
Ohio Wesleyan (Theatre) - Abparent's S
Otterbein (Music)- Mezzomom's D, broadwaycorey
Otterbein (BA Thea) - illinisue's D
Otterbein (BA Voice) - BBoyd3188
Otterbein (MT) - MTaussie's S
PPU - falloffstage, Melsmom’s D (jazz dance), Michaelsmom’s S (MT- final),bearcaaat, Samia525, broadwaycorey (MT), lynnm's D (MT), kegosnell (MT), drama8king8, Millerp323
PSU (MT) - TheatreJock
Shenadoah Conservatory - iNaSpotlight(MT), Lizbennett's S, MTPapa's D, notfromme's D
SMU (acting) - jbrown's S, ilbamom's D
Syracuse (Acting) - Icebear411, sonsdad's S
Syracuse (MT) - Stphen1187, Lexismom's D, BrendanN, mboi, mtmumzie's D
SUNY Buffalo (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
SUNY Geneseo (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
SUNY Oswego (BA-Thea) - Cindy013
UArts - broadwaywannabe, gustof777 (Final), PRFRMR20
UAz (MT) - lexismom's D
UCI - be<em>a</em>star
UCFla (MT) - Lisa77's S
U Co - tothestage (MT)
UFla (Acting BFA) - magicboy68
UMiami (BFA MT) - BrendanN, Lisa77's S, PRFRMR20, Miabella
UMiami (BM) - Ginaomibdwy
UMich (MT) - "WISCONSIN", imazoo
UMich (Acting) - rel2743553, actordad's S
Wagner - Grateful Dad's D</p>


<p>Abparent's S - Otterbein (MT)
ActorsDad's S - UMich (Accepted)
lexismom's d - Elon (Accepted)
Marianne406's D - Evansville
Melsmom's D - Elon (Accepted)
scogor's D - Elon
TheatreJock - Otterbein (MT)
Thesp33 - Julliard</p>

<p>GOOD LUCK to everyone hoping to hear good news this week!</p>

<p>Thank you chrism! We will be glad to have the waiting over! Next week at this time we will know! Yeah! </p>

<p>Good luck to all! I am very anxious to hear everyone's news!</p>

<p>5 days for most of us.....</p>


<p>I feel like I am going through this waiting with all of you as I constantly check this thread for news. Although my d is a college senior, it truly seems like yesterday when our world revolved around the all-mighty mailbox! I am wishing the best for everyone! GOOD LUCK!</p>

<p>These do seem to be the longest 5 days in the history of the world, don't they?</p>

<p>Amen sister!</p>

<p>I got into the only school that I decided to audition (Roosevelt) for since I wanted to stay in chicago and get an apartment, so I have some footing. </p>

<p>If I don't get cut, I will 100% stay at DePaul, but now I have to decide whether or not to go to Roosevelt if I do get cut, or save money and take a few gen eds and re audition to other programs. I will probably re audition no matter what, unless I fall in love with Roosevelt, which I don't know if I will.</p>

<p>ack, more choices</p>

<p>You guys, as one who has now gone to the "other side" :), I totally can understand the anxiousness of this college decision time period. It has taken on so much anticipation and importance and stress and preparation, etc. It is only natural to feel the way you do. I just want to let you know that it all will pass....the intensity of this moment will go by, decisions will be made....these wonderful young folks will move onto the next thing...and in most cases, will be happily busy engaged in college next year and all this tzsoris (yiddish) over where they were getting in or not will be a distant memory and their goals will still be worked on and happiness will be theirs for the taking. It DOES get better, no matter the outcome. The intensity of this time will dissipate and the utter importance that it has taken on will also die down. While it is a big moment in your kids' lives, it really isn't the biggest moment of all (to come) and not everything is riding on it. Try to remind them of that. Everything will go on and they'll be happy some place next year. There are so many places where they can be happy. Believe that. We are all here to tell the tale. The kids survived. It is a memory now., out, in, out, oh that's better. Remember Lamaze you guys? :D</p>

<p>Thanks always say the right thing.......<em>goes and breathes into a paper bag</em></p>

<p>As a second year veteran, I echo what Susan said. Life will move on past this point, and it's exciting no matter what the details - in college, out of college, in at college A, rejected from college only advice is to have a plan B you can live with (like having a 'safety' school that you could love - for regular college admissions!) - and keep moving forward. If there is a fallen tree in your path, clear a trail to the side, but keep moving in the direction of your dreams! etc etc. !!</p>

<p>Two letters finally came today for my D. Accepted at Emerson, but not into the MT program. And (drum roll) accepted at James Madison, which is most likely where she'll go.</p>

<p>I have to say that this process has been agonizing, and far worse than it was for my son five years ago. </p>

<p>So here's how it's gone so far for my D:
Accepted at JMU</p>

<p>Accepted to the school: Elon, Penn State, Emerson--but not the BFA MT program at any of those.</p>

<p>Still waiting to hear from Ithaca.</p>

<p>James Madison is a BA program, and after all this, I have to say that this is probably the best place for her.</p>

<p>Congrats on James Madison! In the end, often it really works out that the kids end up at the best fit anyway. I'm so glad we'll have a James Madison family on here to share about this program down the line. I hope you will. Happy for your daughter!