The Biggest Shooting Massacre in U.S. History

<p>33, including the gunman himself, were killed today at VTech. The police still haven't been able to identify the gunman because he shot himself in the face. But there have been assumptions that the gunman is an ASIAN. I hope that it's not true...</p>

<p>I hope that the victims may rest in peace and their families be able to overcome this tragedy. Although I'm not a VTech student, I feel extremely disturbed and saddened by this massacre.</p>

<p>I don't understand why alot of people up here on CC are so worried its an asian guy. Would it have been better if he was black or something? The race shouldn't matter, this guy was wacked in the head.</p>

<p>Most people on CC are Asian and they don't want their race to be disgraced.</p>

<p>Well at least we know they care more about themselves than the people who died today... great line of thought to have.... "wow 33 people dead? I hope us asians don't get disgraced." Real mature.</p>

<p>this is a very disturbing and sad incident. what's equally disturbing to me is that this guy was able to kill so many and then kill again several hours later, with VT not emailing students about the situation until 2 hours after the first killings.</p>

<p>Email is such a flawed way to get the news across... I, for one, never check my emails before leaving for classes in the morning unless i have a lot of time (which i don't). There needs to be a better system then that...</p>

<p>A survivor has confirmed he was Asian btw. She was in the room that he went into and saw him pretty well.</p>

<p>yes he was asian, I am a VT student, and have heard several reports from friends he was an asian.</p>

<p>Well that does it! Asians are going down! /sarcasm </p>

<p>I don't care what race you are, you have to live with the fact that some of your kind will be crazy...</p>

may the victims rest in peace.</p>

<p>A very sad day indeed.</p>

<p>rof_lmao, I'm really sorry if you thought it that way. The first thought that came to my mind when I heard about the accident was awe and shock, not 'Crap, I don't want my race to be disgraced'. But it is true that this will change many Americans' view of Asians in negative ways.</p>

<p>Rational people don't judge the whole race just because of an insane person. But I worry about the safety of Asians in that area.</p>

<p>I highly doubt that. This isn't some kind of massive coordinated attack or anything that would bring about such a reaction. At tops, there will be a small percentage of people who will be distrusting of Asian kids(mostly at that school), but thats just a matter of statistics. I don't see whole populations/societies suddenly developing negative views about a whole entire race due to the work of one messed up person.</p>

<p>rumor has it that the gunman is a Chinese national issuing his student Visa in shanghai last year. </p>

<p>I am pretty worried. Cause next month i am going to Shanghai to process my F-1 visa and i will go to Randolph College which is located in Virginia. Will the Visa policy to Chinese students change if the gunman was identified a Chinese?


<p>God Bless the Victims</p>

<p>A very sad day indeed!!
It made no sense to me atleast why the person actually did all this.. I saw it in the news and i was shocked :|
and wots even more sad.. the Asians are gonna be discrimnated more...
i mean... cmon One man is wrong.. doesnt mean youll blame everyone!!
Every race is good.. noone is Bad!!</p>

<p>this was such a sad incident.. but people should just stop bringing up the whole race thing cause does it really matter!? it happened just 4 days before the 8th anniversary of columbine too which is even more depressing.</p>

<p>According to a reliable site, the shooter's father committed suicide. His wife, who also attempted to kill herself, is unconscious right now.</p>

<p>steeephhhh23, it does matter to many South Koreans. Because we're afraid that somebody might try to avenge on us, since that shooter killed so many people. Also, people might have prejudice against us, like against the Iraqis after 9/11.</p>

<p>Right now, what's more important is those who died at VT. We can think about the racial implications later. From what I know, Koreans (I'm Korean myself) are some of the most insecure about their ethnicity and is probably one of the most shame-based cultures around. Not to judge my own ethnicity, but there is some truth to it. Like most people said before, let's just focus on what happened and less about race.</p>