The Binghamton Advantage Program

<p>Did anyone else on CC receive this offer from Binghamton?</p>

<p>I received it and I’m probably going to do it. In my eyes its almost like a second shot at getting into a great university. I slacked off in high school and until last Friday I was trying to decide on either (SUNY) UA, NP, or UB but now seeing as I got into this program I think I’m going to go for it. Honestly it doesn’t seem like a bad deal at all, full fledged Bing student, just have to take classes at BCC for 1 year, then a guaranteed transfer fully into Bing if you meet their requirements. It’s almost too good to be true and seeing as we are living at Bing and can participate in any club and can use any facility, we are pretty much complete students at Bing except for the fact that we have to take our classes at BCC for the first year.</p>

<p>How far is BCC from the campus? Just curious.</p>

<p>Yeah, Binghamton was my top choice school, but I wasn’t expecting to be accepted. I also slacked off during my first 2 years of high school. Then junior year i got my grades way up and my first semester senior year they stayed up. I was pretty excited when i got this offer. It’s just that I want to make sure that there are no surprises along the way. I wish there was some open house or information session BEFORE we have to make our decisions.</p>

<p>The letter says that BCC is 5 miles from the Binghamton campus</p>

<p>the program i’m told is based on similar programs at other universities (Towson for one).</p>

<p>the SUNY Chancellor has made transfers a big priority this program helps a student who might not have gotten into Binghamton a chance to go to a CC and get in without having to transfer. </p>

<p>it’s the first year they’ve tried this. it might be a new inside track for some students.</p>

<p>other students who might have stronger records–they can go to another college the first year and transfer into Binghamton.</p>

<p>FYI, BCC is in the City of Binghamton and you need a car or take a bus (not sure what goes there…) to get there.</p>



<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>from an article in sunday’s ny times about colleges offering delayed admission – this reference to binghamton is at the very end of the article.</p>

<p>for anyone considering this program – you might want to ask if they plan to run buses to BCC. there are buses run by the OCC (off-campus college) for students. one bus runs to the school’s downtown campus – obviously for students taking courses there. so maybe they plan a similar route to BCC for those in this program? worth asking about or if BCC is otherwise on a bus route (OCC or broome county - both are free for students) from campus. also, freshmen normally aren’t allowed to have cars on campus – you may want to ask if there be an exception for those in this program?</p>

<p>BCC is definitely on a BCT route (Broome County Transit), but it is not direct. You would need to catch a bus from campus, go to the bus terminal and then take another bus to BCC. And reverse that to get back to campus- that’s potentially an hour commute depending on where Bing and BCC are on the routes and how well the timing between buses mesh.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if Advantage students are housed separately from Bing students? Or could a Bing student be assigned an Advantage student as a roommate?</p>

<p>I read on my friend’s letter that the students are placed in dorms alongside Binghamton University students. Would people consider this offer better than a waitlist offer?</p>

<p>I’d consider it better than getting waitlisted, for one this GUARANTEES that you’ll get into Binghamton. Waitlisting doesn’t guarantee anything. The commute would suck though.</p>

<p>How does this work? Do you have to apply to Binghamton and get rejected or can you just be a prospective BCC student? I know someone who wants to try to do this particularly to live in the dorms at bing. Is it too late to apply for the program?</p>

<p>Hey guys,
I am doing the Binghamton Advantage Program.<br>
I wanted a roommate in the program with me, so
if you are in the program and want a room mate
let me know ASAP :slight_smile:
If you’re a girl*
Sorry, this may be creepy/weird but I can’t
find anything on facebook because this program is very new.

<p>My friend’s quasi-girlfriend who is graduating from high school this year is doing this program (she was wait listed for reg Bing admissions). According to my friend, Advantage students need to live in break housing on campus which means you will be with the athletes and international students mostly, or students who live in far away states. So if you pick CIW as your first choice and you get it, you will be living in Mohawk and so on.</p>

<p>Can anyone tell me what GPA and test scores gets you into the BAP?</p>

<p>in response to lovedgos,</p>

<p>GPA- 88
SAT- 1870 (1320/1600)
Lots of ECs </p>

15 minutes, really isn’t too bad

I am a former a BAP student(Bing advantage program) I’m a junior now and honestly it was the best thing, so if u guys want any real answers or have questions just email me at

Hi I just got offered the BAP and I just wanna know what it’s really like. How does transportation work to get to an from Bing and Broome? Also, am I still eligible for scholarships/grants/financial aid through BAP? Do I have to put in the deposit first before I get an answer about financial aid? Basically, what’s it really like to be a BAP student?