the block plan

<p>i am waiting to hear back from colorado college and i was just wondering if people generally like the block plan...i understand the concept but sometimes find it hard to imagine sitting in, say, a chem class for 3 hours then going back and having a lab during the afternoon. if anyone has any insight into this experience i would appreciate it! =)</p>

<p>My friend is a science major there this year and she loves it. She says she cant imagine having to take 5-6 classes like I have to at my unniversity. In fact, she likes it so much that its convinved me to apply as a transfer so im waiting to hear back too! I've heard that science classes can be demanding but they're only 3 1/2 weeks long so it's not so bad! Plus, its supposed to be more fun because you can actually go on trips and not just do work on campus etc. Plus you only have to worry about that one class and take one final at a time. Good luck!</p>

<p>wow she must really like it if she convinced you to transfer! i bet its awesome to be able to only worry about one class at a time. thanks for the info its a big help, and good luck to you too!</p>