The Block Plan

<p>What is the average undergraduate GPA at CC?</p>

<p>What are the pluses and minuses of the "Block Plan."</p>

<p>Is it easier to get an A when all you are focusing on is one class for 3-4 weeks?</p>

<p>Is Colorado college good for Pre-Med?</p>

<p>Does Colorado College offer any scholarship to transfer students?</p>

<p>Can you take classes pass/fail?</p>

<p>What I am basically looking for is Colorado College's block plan really worth going to it?</p>

<p>I’m not at Colorado College myself, but my brother is, so perhaps I can shed a bit of light on what I know from him.</p>

<p>He loves the block plan. He thinks it’s super immersive, and loves focusing on a single class, project, idea, etc. It also becomes really easy to go on a class field trip or spend a block abroad. Plus, you have nothing hanging over your head every time a block ends, so you get to spend your block break off having fun, going camping, totally relaxing… You get the picture! On the con side of things, tough classes can get pretty dang tough. A full three and a half weeks worth of high level calculus, for example, can be a headache. Plus, that final is going to be tough. It’s also worth it to keep in mind that missing a class (sick, skipping, whatever) is the equivalent of missing a decent period of time in a normal class.</p>

<p>Also, yes, you can take a class pass/fail, my brother did that for a class when he got sick.</p>

<p>I’m afraid I can’t answer your other questions with enough certainty to feel like a good source! Good luck!</p>