The Block Plan

<p>Does anyone know how difficult the block plan is compared to the semester plan?</p>

<p>I attended CC a very long time ago, when the block plan was fairly fresh. I think it has been somewhat modified since then but basically the block plan works very well if you can absorb material quickly and be disciplined about getting a lot of work done in a short amount of time. It is especially effective for delving into a subject wholeheartedly, where it is helpful to not be interrupted! (like going out into the field for geology or anthropology) - it is a little less ideal for studying foreign languages, which demand a lot of repetition/practice over the long haul (unless you take a mini-maintenance course which they used to offer.... a block class here and there isn't good if you are just beginning the language!) Overall, I loved it (but if you get sick a lot it is perhaps risky, because missing a day or two is like missing several weeks in a semester system!). My daughter, now about to start college, has no interest, loving to multitask....I hope this info isn't too late to help, but maybe it can inform others. I don't know why some posts have been so negative about CC - unless it has changed significantly, it had much to offer, namely a truly dedicated faculty - the block plan is very demanding of professors - and great facilities. Students vary just like anywhere - you get out of learning what you put into it....</p>

<p>thanx. i am plannig to major in biochem or chemistry so i dont think it would be as difficult. thanx again merepoule</p>