The Bragging Thread

<p>My dad once went on a double date with Elvis Presley…before he was King.</p>

<p>Had to laugh at dwhite’s post on getting carded at age 46. Wouldn’t have been a bragging right in my state. Last year they changed to EVERYONE gets carded. Yes, slightly ridiculous. After a couple of 70 year old state representatives got carded multiple times, the law is on the way to amendment now.</p>

<p>I love this thread. How pathetic that I can’t think of anything other than I won 1st place in Midwest Conference Algebra I. I did have a 4.0 and valedictorian, but sigh, that just gives me an “average” grade in cc land. Haven’t been on Jeopardy either, although my H would be superb on Price is Right.</p>

<p>*atomom, I think I breastfed for 8 years, but given that I have only two kids, I think I deserve runner-up status. *</p>

<p>I was a long time milk factory also. :wink:
But after about age two, the nursing was more of a first aid basis.
& my oldest wasn’t big/strong enough to nurse until she was 4 mo old, so I pumped for all that time!</p>

<p>I also had a letter printed in Mothering magazine- maybe in the late 80’s ( Fred Rogers was on the cover <b)</p>

<p>*Had to laugh at dwhite’s post on getting carded at age 46. Wouldn’t have been a bragging right in my state. Last year they changed to EVERYONE gets carded. Yes, slightly ridiculous. After a couple of 70 year old state representatives got carded multiple times, the law is on the way to amendment now.

<p>You must be in Washington.
Remember when they wouldn’t let the governor into an Olympia bar because she didn’t have ID?

<p>Another long time nursing mom. We used to joke that I would have to go to college with my son, he nursed so long. But we have a very strong family history of severe asthma, with deaths on both sides of the family, so I was happy to nurse both of my kids as long as they would.</p>

<p>I won a 32" LCD TV as a door prize at an office party, back in the days when 32" was a big TV.</p>

<p>Won an IPod Nano at this same company at a Halloween party.</p>



<p>Me neither, and it’s also true of at least one of my kids. Not sure about the other kid.</p>

<p>In 1983, Dick Clark kissed me on the cheek on my 21st birthday.
Wow, this is a great thread…I am hoping that kiss is not the top of my bragging pile!</p>

<p>I have never had my own reality television program.</p>

<p>I have never WATCHED a reality TV program (have never seen American Idol either).</p>


In 1979, (when I was 21) Marvin Gaye kissed me on the cheek at a radio station in Honolulu.</p>

<p>I friended my Mom on Facebook with no filters.</p>



<p>Me neither! Nor has my behavior elicited any offers for a reality TV program since their advent. :D</p>

<p>A Japanese restaurant named a sushi roll after me.</p>

<p>I have never injected an illegal drug into my body. ( but I have smoked things)

<p>No kiss- but Mike McCready gave me a hug ( & so did his dad)
Obama gave a speech at D’s high school. ( so did MLK jr during the 60’s)
I met Myrlie Evers-Willams, she gave me a hug too. :)</p>

<p>I’ve achieved some of my goals - wrote a book that has made money, traveled to Australia, have one kid in a great college, and I’m the first college grad in my family.</p>

<p>I was saved from drowning when I was 14, and I saved a kayaker from drowning when I was 38. </p>

<p>I once helped steal the Sacred Cod. </p>

<p>I hit into a triple play in Little League that took like four seconds.</p>

<p>I predicted Saturday Night Live would be a huge hit TV series during the first show. Of course I was watching it by myself so I never could tell someone, “Didn’t I tell ya?”</p>

<p>Today while walking my dog around the block (and around 5 foot+ snow piles), I picked up the snowplow-destroyed mailbox of a neighbor I strongly dislike off the street and placed it back on it’s post, then piled snow around it to hold it in place, so they could get their mail. I really don’t like this neighbor.</p>

<p>I just walked out of the Nordstrom Rack without buying anything!</p>

<p>I’m paraphrasing, but this thread reminds me of the Thoreau quote:</p>

<p>In his youth a man gathers the materials to build a cathedral and in middle age he builds a bridge from them. (Both the surface and the subtext.)</p>

<p>I’m obviously a great school nurse. A boy at school recently told me, “Nurse SplashMom, I don’t know what we’d do without you … I guess we’d all be dead.”</p>